Anonymous ID: 40f574 Jan. 6, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.13190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3217 >>3298 >>3435 >>3509 >>3520


Welcome back, Q. Quick straight-out-of-bed thoughts:


>Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!

>Ahmadinejed talking.

>Where did ALL that money go?

To the Roths/bad actors

>How many planes?

Two that I'm aware of

>Where did the planes land?


>Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?

Clowns as the enforcer arm of the Roths, private contractors in it for the money/kept in the dark.

>Why cash?

To be redistributed to puppets. Roths use gold.

>Why offshore cash?

To keep it off the books

>Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval?

So the secret doesn't get out

>Where did the bank wires originate from?

SA, AUS, Norway at the least

>Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?

Of course not - these were payments for 'future favours' from Hillary.

>What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?

Roths keeping them in power.

>Where do majority of Rothschilds reside?


>Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial institutions?

Shopping for a new handler while simultaneously going SHUT IT DOWN


>Who are the Muslim Brotherhood?

An org that has had it's purpose in dismantling the Christian West

>Who is AWAN?

Member of MB/major squealer w.r.t. Hillary

>Who is Huma?

Member of MB

>Who is VJ?

>Who created ISIS?


>Who controlled ISIS?


>What was the purpose of ISIS?

Manufactured strife + enforcer against Syria, provider of children for the Elite

>Who is MS13?

Gang operating in Central America, with strong ties to southern states of the USA. Came over through Mexico. Specializes in murders, child sex slavery. Just like ISIS.

>Why were known MS13 members released after capture?

To lead to other MS13 hotbeds.

>Who controls MS13?


>Who FUNDS MS13?

The Roths

>Hard to swallow.

>Watch the news.




Once again: Thank you Q. I will never stop thanking you for pulling me out of the blackpill.

Anonymous ID: 40f574 Jan. 7, 2018, 12:02 a.m. No.13298   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Waking up a little bit more helped.

>Where did ALL that money go?

Funding ISIS - CF were also funding them. These had to be hand-delivered because of "sanctions" which had to be walked around.

>Who FUNDS MS13?

Obama+Cabal did.


Holy shit.

Anonymous ID: 40f574 Jan. 7, 2018, 12:13 a.m. No.13393   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So all of those "fundraisers", "for noble goals", were actually funneling cash for the CIA/Roths to use for funding their strife enforcers (ISIS, MS13, who knows who else).


Fuck that, other countries were doing that too, both those mentioned like AUS/Norway/SA, as is every country in the EU, Poland included.


It's time to get mad.

Anonymous ID: 40f574 Jan. 7, 2018, 12:17 a.m. No.13442   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Salutations, Q. Once you get the fight over to Europe, I'm ready to drop redpills.


God bless you, Trump and every Patriot. Thank you. Thank you for giving me hope again. Thank you.

Anonymous ID: 40f574 Jan. 7, 2018, 12:25 a.m. No.13524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


More than that, from previous drops we know NK nuclear program was first crippled (the destruction of their facility) and then their ICBM capacity has been stopped from coming into fruition by stopping SpaceX launch of comms satellite that would have provided guidance capabilities - or maybe the satellite itself was launched, but sabotaged (remember "my button is bigger than yours"? That was the moment Kimmy boy started talking and getting off his high horse.).


Straight-up Nuclear War is still possible, but highly unlikely - other countries that are Nuke-capable and "loose actors" in this would be Israel (calming through embassy movement, getting rid of ISIS and Iran influence), UK (can't without proper optics), China (this was probably secured first by Trump while on tour way back when), Russia (Putin is at the very least working with Trump to get the Cabal to fuck off, no attacking allies). Other nuke-capable countries I don't know the status.


W/regards to that, Chernobyl may have been an inside job by the CIA both to get USSR to play the nuke game and to see what nuclear fallout in civil areas would do.


I still remember the Polish government giving out Lugol's Iodine back when we were still in the USSR when Chernobyl happened.



Anonymous ID: 40f574 Jan. 7, 2018, 12:29 a.m. No.13571   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All of those fuckers were paid off to not do anything. Traitors to the US, traitors to world peace, all of them.


Hang them all, it's all they deserve - a traitor's death.


A na drzewach, zamiast liści, będą wisieć ~komuniści~ zdrajcy ludzkości.