That is not Trump's pen. Either it belongs to Q (member?) or someone else at the table…or to someone big. I looked at Obama's. It is a Montblanc Meisterstuck. Could not find anything on Soros. It is not WJC's
Eat a dick, mother fucker! Who is questioning his legitimacy? I never saw it stated in this conversation that it was Trump's pen. At least, not by Q. Research told me that Trump uses this pen: jet. com/product/detail/f11fcaf0967c43188ae90f9243c93ca8?jcmp=pla:ggl:nj_cons_cwin_office_products_a2:office_products_pens_pencils_markers_pens_refills_a2:na:PLA_786153989_42772706524_pla-378629487815_c:na:na:na:2PLA15&code=PLA15&pid=kenshoo_int&c=786153989&is_retargeting=true&clickid=330915e8-05da-4b39-9094-84bfe57667d6&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxJ3qwqrF2AIV3LrACh1aGAOFEAQYASABEgKmk_D_BwE
Now…would it no be significant if this were not his pen?