House Investigation into Planned Parenthood gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/
Copy that….
This is as honest and truthful as it gets :)
There's a run on Adrenochrome these days….
Obama agency rules Pepsi use of cells derived from aborted fetus ‘ordinary business’
LARGO, FL, March 5, 2012 ( - The Pepsi Company, which is set to release the new product Pepsi Next in the coming weeks, is facing a more robust boycott as pro-life activists protest the company use of cells derived from an aborted fetus in flavor-enhancing research. But Pepsi has succeeded, with help from the Obama Administration, in keeping its controversial operations from consideration by its shareholders.
www.lifesitenews. com/news/obama-agency-rules-pepsi-use-of-aborted-fetus-is-ordinary-business
Absolutely (((disgusting)))
EXPOSED: State Department H.Q. houses secretive Shadow Government’s “7th Floor group”
WASHINGTON D.C. (INTELLIHUB) — Information contained inside documents released by the FBI pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal show that there really is a “Shadow Government” and that it is based out of the 7th floor of the State Department H.Q., located at 2201 C Street NW, which is the Harry S. Truman Building.
www.intellihub. com/state-department-h-q-houses-secretive-shadow-governments-7th-floor-group/
sorry wrong screen shot :P
Secretary Rex Tillerson Begins Deconstructing 7th Floor “Shadow Government” at Dept of State…
theconservativetreehouse. com/2017/02/17/secretary-rex-tillerson-begins-deconstructing-7th-floor-shadow-government-at-dept-of-state/
Mike Pence has not twatted since Nov 15th
twitter. com/mike_pence
Yes and and I read the Voat info. Glad all the Pence stuff is bunk. On that note I'm going to bed I put in a 17 hour day Kek….