Repliy with memes. Or the image of their fact sheet with their business problems on it. They hate that.
And drop crumbs for what comes next.
Remember to read the qmap backwards like a mirror to reinforce the happenings and Socratic method.
How did Trump come to power if he was not a genius?
Why would he troll the Left for two years by playing dumb?
What must happen to keep people safe yet clear up corruption?
How does one set a trap?
What is the ultimate sacrifice?
Can you use yourself as bait?
Where has the attention been?
What has been set up in the background?
What is the budget of Mueller?
What is the budget of the OIG?
What report comes out tomorrow?
How is the evidence of so much wrong doing already available?
Did Trump know all along?
How did he insulate himself?
What is bait and switch?
Superman II
Ask a question.
Answer it with the next question.
Summarise it with a well known movie reference.
This is a cognitive dissonance descaler that bounces around the conscious and subconscious.
Notice when you start answering the questions how much it reinforces the undeniable truth within them and is anchored by the movie reference.
They can be read forward or backwards.
This works well in text form on Facebook.
Libtards think they are clever and love quizes. This can work well on them.
Before they can look away, they have the truth bouncing around their heads.
Use questions.
Jim Jordan did a good job this week.
You know what's coming.
Try this:
What is the OIG report?
When did it begin?
Was Obama still President?
Did it begin just before the inauguration?
Are there 1.2 millions docs to release?
Will it make recommendations independent of Trump?
Will Trump be able to fight it's independent findings?
What happens when it is released?
These above may get liberals excited and start believing the report will get Trump.
It won't.
Asking questions that aren't obvious until you answer them yourself?
No, Facebook would struggle.
Well done anon.