For foundation red pilling.
Was the Clinton Foundation used for money laundering?
Who can you tell?
Very little went to any good causes?
Where the vast majority go?
Was it used to accept and give bribes?
How can we tell?
Did donations change after Trump was elected?
Why would donors stop after Trump elected?
Were donations bribes?
Why does McCain have a foundation?
Where does that money go?
Where does it really go?
Why was McCain photographed meeting with the head of ISIS and their PR?
Why did McCain Foundation pay towards making ISIS videos?
Why was a studio in the UK used?
Why was Kim Kardashian attached by ISIS in Paris when the UK PR firm was exposed?
Why was the attack covered up?
Why did the UK get involved with the creation of ISIS?
Why did the UK and McCain Foundation want Syria destabilised?
Was it for a pipeline route?
Was it for drug and human trafficking?
Was it for money?
How many people died?
Why did McCain help fake ISIS for money?
Why does McCain hate Trump?
What does Trump know about McCain?