in order to use it, must not the fda approve of it? have they?
so you can put whatever you want in flavoring? no need for approval? really?
i guess youre right. weird.
what did she find out? must be something nasty.
>Plan C: Take out Trump, even if means nuking the entire city where he can be found
this is actually believableโฆ and im not being sarcastic.>>16085
a man found a handgrenade and picked it up. it went off.
answered to wrong post.
>a man found a handgrenade and picked it up. it went off.
yes you managed to post the same pic twice. i thought it was impossible.
This is huge, because Turkey and Iran are not friends. If Turkish media ran this report, it is legit and No, contrary to the scamming U.S. MSM and planted media in the middle east, Ahmadinejad was not arrested. The Al-Arabia report about the former Iranian president being arrested for inciting the protests is a HOAX. Here is the truth:
According to the Turkish press, the CIA sent 900 agents fronting as businessmen to Iran under the disguise of helping Iran recover from economic sanctions. Once they were in Iran, rather than conduct business, they fronted the riots. HERE IT IS FOLKS, THE FULL REPORT. HA HA HA, BUSTED!"
his full article in pic
hmmm.. if its same old story, why does trump approve of it? werent cia bad guys?
>Who do you think will be swept out of power in Iran?
bad guys
>Remember the pipeline bombing there a few days ago? Who do you think did that?
more bad guys
>Whose interests does it serve to have Iran in the hands of clowns?
even more bad guys
>Do you really think POTUS is going to do something that will help the cabal, it's network of bad actors and its henchmen (clowns)?
im confused
whats that record?
pic related
now thats a whole other thing. thanks for clearing that up.