Anonymous ID: bd6c2e Dec. 16, 2017, 8:15 a.m. No.1712   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The list was too long so I uploaded it into a text file on my own web site. It should display right in the browser. Where there's a — instead of an index number (1, 2, … 333) it means that message is not listed on GitHub.


Validate and verify across the board. I make no claims as to accuracy. What's uploaded is what I have; there's no guarantee I'm not missing things myself.


Happy editing!

Anonymous ID: bd6c2e Dec. 16, 2017, 8:42 a.m. No.1717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1755



Since so many of us are diving to great depths into how pervasive the evil running our world really is, there's a point I want to emphasize and I consider it absolutely critical to remember.


If we're swimming in these waters, it's inevitable that at some point or another we're going to feel overwhelmed by this evil we're exploring; like we don't have a chance and what's the point?


The bad guys rule by deception, not by force. Look at how elaborate their deceptions are. They must create and maintain a highly complex world for us to believe in - real courts where real justice is served, real competition in business, real government and other agencies that truly serve our best interest. It takes a LOT to maintain that facade.


Don't you think that if they were able to maintain their power through simpler means, they would? If they could just clamp down and rule over everybody by direct force, they would jump at the chance.


Which means WE run the show. And now is that period in history when WE are breaking out, waking up, and seeing reality for what it is.


If you feel it's all hopeless, remember it's all just smoke and mirrors. Obviously you don't want to be flat-out stupid: piss them off or present yourself as a threat and it will not end well. They kill people all the time. They are not harmless, not even close. But they can only deal effectively with individuals and very small groups. The larger the group, the more they have to rely on deception instead of brute force.


We'll probably all pass through those feelings of hopelessness now and then … ride it out, let it pass, get back in here and keep doing what we're doing.

Anonymous ID: bd6c2e Dec. 16, 2017, 12:52 p.m. No.1915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1929

With the effects of soy being so prominent in the news lately, there's a chance that Y might refer to the Y chromosome (XY is male, XX is female). Apologies if this has been brought up already; I haven't seen it and nobody has time to read every thread on the board. Y is the chromosome that determines gender. XY would indicate a reverence for male dominance (which one would expect among these "people"). Consider that besides soy, the very high relative estrogen content from BPA (the BPA-free plastics now being pushed are even worse for estrogen content), in addition to the extreme Cabal push for feminizing the population via transgender support and the endless demonization of masculinity - help to ensure that only the elite males identify as males at all. It's worth some more looking into; some research into Luciferian doctrine might offer some more info that can be related to what's actually unfolding in the real world.

Anonymous ID: bd6c2e Dec. 17, 2017, 1:28 a.m. No.2914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2916 >>2920



I provided a list on Saturday showing all the (17) missing Q messages (that I'm aware of) from the GitHub page. It seems nobody interested caught it. Any [dash dash dash] items are missing from the Github page.

Anonymous ID: bd6c2e Dec. 17, 2017, 9:47 a.m. No.3050   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Maybe we need a Tesla thread. This same intro keeps getting made over and over and it isn't anybody's fault. Nobody has time to read the entire history of this board and it's not really feasible for people to know what's already been posted on Tesla.

Anonymous ID: bd6c2e Dec. 17, 2017, 9:56 a.m. No.3056   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is very common symbolism for military intel - particularly Army. Electronics intelligence - radio, including radar, voice, teletype, and Morse. This, however, was probably from an Air Force unit or collection of units, since the jet is in the bottom image. Many of these types of units are logistically managed by the military but are directly tasked by NSA.

Anonymous ID: bd6c2e Dec. 17, 2017, 10:03 a.m. No.3062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3068


>> 3056


Assuming these images are the two sides of the same "coin" (or whatever it is), I would hope the 1962 is commemorative and not the actual date, since the Air Force logo (which is only now registering, sorry!) wasn't created until 2000.