(((Their)) plan to take over the human race:
Create religions to divide population. We are stronger united. They want to prevent this.
Create religions that preach only their particular religion is the only correct explanation.
All religions are control mechanisms instituted by (((them))
Destroy family identity. Eliminate father mother family dynamic, create homosexuality and transgenderism to destroy mother father family. There is a necessity for mother and father in family dynamic. Not fully understood.
Destroy culture by enforcing immigration of one religion to areas of another with no assimilation expectation.
Create poverty and dependence by controlling world’s wealth. Only give us enough to survive so that we don’t rebel. Use wealth to corrupt and allow people to freely give up their bodies to do the “devil’s” work.
Control food supply, allowing (((them))) to freely poison humanity both psychologically through sodium fluoride and other chemicals, and parhogenically/physically through gmo and chemtrails. Ensure (((their))) “people” are in high level positions of all major food companies, Pepsi etc…
Control information through project mocking bird. Control all major media companies to control thoughts. Label dissenters as conspiracy theorist. Create societal normalcy that fits control of (((their))) agenda
Take control of all major corporations…google yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, many more, to ensure further control over culture through spying on public. This information was to be used in the future to quickly identify and eliminate the opposition. Now it’s used for censorship, later would be used to jail and eliminate people.
Normalize worship of (((them))) through creation of societal acceptance of Satan and the religion of Satan
End game. Complete control of human race. “Hunger Gamesl”, “ They Live”.
(((They))) feed of our energy and also consume our bodies.
It’s all connected
(((They))) didn’t want us to know.
(((They))) never thought she would lose
Much of above has already happened
Do you know how close (((they))) were to achieving (((their))) goal?
God bless Donald J Trump
God bless patriots
We were always more powerful
The Great Awakening