Anonymous ID: 31d400 Jan. 7, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.16725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7368

(3rd attempt to post this in the /storm/ - post getting deleted??)

Since there is NO love involved in violating a child in any way, the term pedophile is a puke-worthy euphemism for evil intentions.

Pedovore is a more accurate term, as in:




whether literally consuming flesh and blood or just consuming the innocence of a child's heart in stupid, selfish rituals, no difference!



Why does the MediaMatrix CONTINUALLY plaster their cartoon-version of vampires, embellished to absurdity upon the virtual world?

To obscure the reality of pedovore predation visible around the edges of the wallpaper?

Anonymous ID: 31d400 Jan. 7, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.17343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7410

Maximum Manipulation


Married men: surely you have noted and dodged the use of the primary manipulator:

Emotional expression bombs!


Women married to cucks or psychopaths: surely you have felt and evaded the use of the primary manipulator:

Emotional expression bombs!


Specifically, maximum sovereign derision, assuming a morally superior position and laying down the law AS IF, the person playing hypocrite on steroids, ACTUALLY took responsibility for their actions, like a true sovereign being does!


“The queen is not happy and you, peon, must yield to my will or else!”


“The king is not happy and you, peasant, must yield to my will or else!”


This gambit is more effective when being used to blind-side, by acting “triggered”, to deliver an unexpected, irrational overreaction LOADED with the MAJOR false assumption that the person laying out all their shit has MORE PASSION, CARES MORE, HAS GREATER SPIRIT, then the person being assaulted by MSD!


Of course this is bullshit but for in-denial subjectivists, just acting out like their mediaMatrix idols do, finding the energy to act this out gives them empowerment that they must be right!


After 2+ months reading chan culture, I note that that maximum sovereign derision ploy (MSD), is in full use, perhaps ONLY by shills, gatekeepers and trolls.


However, the effectiveness of the deployment of MSD to influence other anons leads me to see that this extreme trash talking as is seen as being an essential part of the chan culture.

To handle random shit-talking browbeating is a passage of honor or a test to see if you are true anon, sort of like the training effect of drill sergeant abuse in boot camp?

Or is it an artifact of the unconscious, harsh treatment that autists still sadly experience irl and clowns exploit this ruthlessly, to sway anon minds away from target?



this ploy (MSD), used and now overused RELENTLESSLY by the mediaMatrix, is losing its effectiveness daily, due to POTUS, all patriots and weaponized anons and the slowly awakening sleepwalkers around us!


Sorry sleepwalkers, acting like an offended princess/princelet to get your way no longer cuts it without the virtual gang power of the mediaMartix behind it


The next time we see a talking head OR an arrogant blue-piller attempting to puff their feathers up and cluck some MSD-style put down or any other derision-drenched diatribe, we'll just laugh at the devil and watch the ORIGINAL indeterminate-gendered being flee to preserve THEIR fragile, dissonance-drowned mind.