OK, so I have to chime in on the Beanz/Corsi video. And since he reads here and the sub reddit, I will be polite.
TB did a great job of separating herself from here as a moderator. However, I believe that Dr. Corsi is somehow getting it wrong and backing up CBTS BO that there was a day of fake posts. This is not correct. And the logic is oddly poor. If the trip had been compromised (unless it was within the group and someone went off the reservation) The trip was not compromised.
Dr. Corsi does have (and it is logical) a loyalty to AJ, whom I would assume pays him, or at least provides him a great deal of coverage, so meh, it is what it is.
I believe him to be pretty smart, and with an intel background sees things and even guides us here, now, listening to his actual wording, I can see where and when, probably.
He and she keeping that out there is better. I only as Dr. Corsi to stop saying the board addresses, unless it's the reddit. If people want to go there because he is a fa-moose, that is fine. Like we talk about, layers and layers of ability and knowledge is not a bad thing.
I wish that they had not tried to salvage CTBS BO's rep, per se with the muddled interpretation that Friday Day's posts were false Q. And it was a huge example of what blood in the water did for the anti Q sharks. The controbersy and drama wasn't needed, even as a plot devise for any authors lurking or not lurking here, and did as much damage as the fake ABC report to the POTUS.
For those that that this outside the boards, please be cognizant of what your words out there can do. And no matter Dr. Corsi's possible brilliance in the field, even experts can and often are wrong. If people only rely on one voice for interpretation, then be warned: You may travel down a wrong path and are just like everyone else that follows false prophets. Most of us look to many sources (because we are trying to be truthful and not fools leading more fools) and that is good, but some are too ready to make it quick and easy with a go to guy, is all I am saying.