Anonymous ID: a6995f Jan. 7, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.17839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7933 >>7955 >>7964


>If people only rely on one voice for interpretation, then be warned: You may travel down a wrong path and are just like everyone else that follows false prophets. Most of us look to many sources (because we are trying to be truthful and not fools leading more fools) and that is good, but some are too ready to make it quick and easy with a go to guy, is all I am saying.

You're not wrong - that's exactly what happened with the most recent /cbts/ fiasco.

BO made a colossal mistake in critical thinking, plenty of equally blind anons jumped on board with his thinking and atrociously embarrassing decisions, and it took an act of Codemonkey to set things straight and start the migration to a different board.

The same things going to happen with Corsi, Beanz, or any other BO who somehow thinks they know better when they're completely full of shit.

Anons, sharpen up - you're not fucking intellectual paragons, no mater how many B- coloring book pages Mommy sticks to the fridge each day for you.

You're just as human as the rest of the planet, just as prone to the same primitive trappings and delusions of grandeur as anyone else.

Let's be perfectly clear - this whole place is a gloryfagging shithole compared to the idealistic "chan culture" folks like to harp about.

Clinging to the famous is a great way to lose objectivity, integrity, and trustworthiness. /cbts/ BO, idiot that he is, proved that, and his actions and thought processes should be a big fucking neon sign as to how not to approach this effort.

Next time you're ready to fly into a rage because "muh need 2 know basis" or "muh expert consultations" or whatever other idiotic justification you're using to shoddily defend your as-of-yet undiagnosed mental disorder, remember that when it comes to MI, you are neither M nor I, and you need to take a step back from your own vanity, stop pretending to be better than you are, and objectively, critically think.