Anonymous ID: 797411 RED PILL Scripts - Jan. 7, 2018, 2:09 p.m. No.17943   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Need help waking up friends and family? Scripts inside to help you get your friends & family to start questioning, get the ball rolling without experiencing the complete shutdown and refusal to listen any further.


DO WHAT WORKS, stop doing what doesn't!


Use what you like, leave your own for others to use.

NB: I did not write these, another anon did but they are very, very effective.

Anonymous ID: 797411 For foundation red pilling Jan. 7, 2018, 2:09 p.m. No.17947   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Was the Clinton Foundation used for money laundering?

Who can you tell?

Very little went to any good causes?

Where the vast majority go?

Was it used to accept and give bribes?

How can we tell?

Did donations change after Trump was elected?

Why would donors stop after Trump elected?

Were donations bribes?

Why does McCain have a foundation?

Where does that money go?

Where does it really go?

Why was McCain photographed meeting with the head of ISIS and their PR?

Why did McCain Foundation pay towards making ISIS videos?

Why was a studio in the UK used?

Why was Kim Kardashian attached by ISIS in Paris when the UK PR firm was exposed?

Why was the attack covered up?

Why did the UK get involved with the creation of ISIS?

Why did the UK and McCain Foundation want Syria destabilised?

Was it for a pipeline route?

Was it for drug and human trafficking?

Was it for money?

How many people died?

Why did McCain help fake ISIS for money?

Why does McCain hate Trump?

What does Trump know about McCain?

Anonymous ID: 797411 For Politicians Jan. 7, 2018, 2:11 p.m. No.17957   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Do politicians accept bribes as gifts and donations?

Do Democrats do very well out of bribes?

How can we tell?

Why is the wealth of vocal anti Trump politicians so much than when they enter office?

Why is the wealth many many times their salaries before tax?

Why can no Democrats account for their massive increase in wealth?

Do Democrats engage on bribes on an industrial scale?

Why do they hate Trump?

Drain the swamp?

Term limits?

Why would Democrats hate trump for stopping their bribes?

Would they make up stories and fake news to keep their bribes?

Do they want to keep receiving bribes?

Why do Democrats care more about their bribes than about the people who elected them?

Why don't they want term limits?

Do they serve the people?

Are they doing the job they were elected for or taking bribes to get rich?

Why are so many Democrats worth so many times more than what they receive as salaries?

Why is no one stopping the bribes?

Do they investigate themselves?

Is Trump trying to stop them taking bribes?

Why do Democrats hate Trump?

Anonymous ID: 797411 For the anti-Trump Jan. 7, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.17968   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Why was Trump called racist when he employed more people of colour that most have met?

Why would help African Americans get senior positions if he is racist?

Why does that make no sense?

Was it a narrative?

Were they afraid Obama would go to jail for crimes?

What would the African American population do in Jan 2017 if Obama was arrested?

Was it a narrative?

Why was Trump compared to Hitler?

Why isn't he called Hitler now?

Because it doesn't make sense?

Jerusalem embassy?

Why was the narrative first pushed?

In case he locked up lots of corrupt politicians?

Why would they be worried?

Why would they want to label the President as racist and Hitler?

In case he locked them all up straight away?

Noe he is seen as not racist or Hitler, do those labels work?

Why did he wait a year gathering evidence through an independent non partisan body?

Why did he wait for the labels he first got to die away as nonsense?

What happens when a years worth of independently gathered evidence surfaces?

Can they use the fake news labels twice?

Will that work?

Why is Trump a genius?

Anonymous ID: 797411 On Planned Parenthood Jan. 7, 2018, 2:14 p.m. No.17983   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Why do Democrats support late term abortions?

Why kill a baby when it is viable?

Why specifically support this?

Do viable babies need their organs?

Is there a massive shortage of organs for transplant?

What is special about newborn organs?

Do they grow into full size healthy organs?

Are late term aborted babies using their organs?

Are they special because of lower rejection?

Are partial birth abortions used for spare parts?

How much do they cost?

Where can fresh baby organs be bought from?

Why is Planned Parenthood selling organs?

Who is paying?

Customers around the world?

Rich customers?

Why do Democrats want to keep late term abortions?

Who funds Planned Parenthood?

What is special about African American partial birth abortions?

Keep the population down?

Less rejection chance?

When was Planned Parenthood caught selling viable baby parts?

Anonymous ID: 797411 HARSH method - Break them Jan. 7, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.18014   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I want to share are method I used in some rare cases (this is somewhat aggressive);


  • find out the core belief of your opponent

  • find out the weak spot

  • use your higher knowledge/wisdom to compromise the weak spot

  • use irrefutable facts

  • stick their nose in it (like a cat)

  • watch them get angry

  • know the seed has been planted


(they will try to disprove you but wont be able to)


< this is the strategy for hard-coded normies.

Also works if you wanna red-pill fast and are willing to take casualties along the way.

Translation: this method may lose you friends.

Anonymous ID: 797411 9/11 Planes Jan. 7, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.18046   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8070

Why was NORAD running an exercise involving crashing planes into buildings on September 11 2001?



Why were so many planes originally said to be hijacked?


How many planes were involved in 9/11?

How were calls made?

Did all planes hit?

Where are the bodies buried?

What hit the Pentagon?

Why did POTUS Tweet about no commercial crashes in the US during his first year?

What does POTUS know about 9/11?

Did he lose friends and business colleagues?

Did he lose friends?

What happened before 9/11?

Unusual trades?

An audit announced?

Missing trillions?

Why doesn't the narrative for 9/11 make sense?

Who has access to all classified information?

What did POTUS promise would happen when he became President?

Does POTUS keep his promises?

What will be hard to swallow about 9/11?

Will the country stand with those who caused 9/11?

With the people who profited?

Was there a training exercise in London the morning of 7/7?

Where did the idea come from for a terror attack to win government support?

Who was Prime Minister?

Who ordered the death of Dr David Kelly?

Why did Blair help?

What will happen to those involved in 9/11 and 7/7?

Where will they bury the bodies?

Anonymous ID: 797411 Correlary: 9/11 Planes & Phone calls Jan. 7, 2018, 2:23 p.m. No.18070   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Was it possible to make mobile phone calls from planes back then?

From several miles in the air?

From ground level?

At reduced altitude?

Is it possible some were made?

Is it possible any were later faked?

Is it possible evidence of that exists?

Anonymous ID: 797411 Find your ENTRY POINT Jan. 7, 2018, 2:24 p.m. No.18081   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Many people have a topic that leads them to all this.



Find out which politician they dislike.

Bring it here and we can practice a redpill script for DURING the storm.

Practice now sure.

You will all be of massive benefit both now and when they bring the rain.

There is a flood coming.

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius anons

Anonymous ID: 797411 connecting ++ Rothschilds to ownership of many US Electric and Gas companies and grids Jan. 7, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.20582   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1317

Who is Researcher and California Activist Deborah Tavares?

What threats to citizens and infrastructure has she been warning about?

What did she discover about ++ Rothschilds ++ and California Electric and Gas companies?

Why would a sovereign nation allow an external entity and foreign people to take ownership of the nations electrical and gas grids of their own land?

What would this compromise?

What dangers and threats could this pose to the nation? To the citizens? To the property and home owners?

Why is the electric and gas company under investigation for the fires and complete destruction of thousands of homes and structures in October 2017 in Northern California and December 2017 in Southern California?

Who owns the Electric and Gas companies in the areas of these fires?

Why do Rothschilds own so many of the Electric and Gas Companies in California and other areas of the United States?

Why do the United States not own their own Electric grid and Gas companies?

Why has this compromise been allowed to occur?

Who are the dangerous "helpers" that come in after the fires? After the floods? After the hurricanes?

Who are buying up the homes and properties after the fires for pennies on the dollar?

Are foreign buyers allowed to buy up large areas of these American properties and do they receive perks for doing so?

What is geo engineering? What has Harvard and congress recently been proposing regarding geo engineering for the US?

Who benefits for California to maintain years of drought?

Who owns the water? Who owns the Electric grid?

Who benefits if California Governor Brown declares an area no longer sustainable for human habitation? Who benefits from the destruction of thousands of homes in California and Houston and Puerto Rico?

What does "owning the weather" mean?

Why did the US Military declare they would "own the weather by 2025?"

Who owns and controls the US weather today?

Who really owns and controls the US weather today?

Who benefits when the president declares a state of emergency for States experiencing a natural disaster?

Why does Governor Brown believe so many more disasters will come and the president will no longer be able to continue to send aid to all the states affected by disasters?

Who really controls the weather?

Why did California Governor Brown declare the total destruction of homes and regions "our new normal?"

Why did he say we can expect more and more fires and floods and earthquakes for the next decade?

Who controls the weather?

Who controls the direct energy weapons?

Who controls Haarp?

Who can create earthquakes as a weapon?

Who can create droughts and storms as a weapon?

Who can create fires as a weapon?

Who benefits from "sustainable development?"

Why did Governor Brown leave his state of California during the largest fire in California history to attend the Paris Climate meeting?

Why did Governor Brown state he was more than a state leader that he was really a global leader?

On day 3 of the Thomas Fire in California how did Governor Brown know the fire would continue on for a month?

What are Direct Energy Weapons?

What does a house and car look like after a fire was started in them using direct energy weapons?

What are Microwave Weapons?

Why are Smart Meters being looked at as a link to the fires in the homes in California?

What does modern war look like today?

What are EMFs and Radio Frequencies? What are electro magnetic pulse Weapons?

What are the modern war weapons that can be used discretely?

Can weather and fire be powerful Weapons of war?

What does war look like today?

Why do Americans believe a war is not happening on their soil?

Deborah Tavares Critical World Events Jan 3, 2018 - The Power Hour