Excellent points in these three postings anon, this is indeed the great awakening. I would add this, apologies if you pointed this out elsewhere: those of us at the vanguard of this Great Awakening bear an added responsibility. We are setting the tone, emotional, intellectual and spiritual, for those who will awaken after us, and in many ways because of us. We each will process intense negativity as we awaken – after all, we are attempting to clear our Earth of the vilest, most despicable evil that our species has produced this past 12 millennia. If we do not process our own intensely negative reactions and feelings towards this darkness sufficiently those who follow us will absorb this too, and it will make their own awakening all the harder. If collectively we do not process this negativity sufficiently, collectively we will collapse under the weight of it, and we will fall right back to sleep as a species. My suspicion is that this has happened before, and here we are again. This may be our last chance; we may not get the opportunity to awaken again. This cabal must be destroyed, completely – and the only way to do this is to thoroughly leave their negativity behind. They will see justice, but if we pour our negativity onto them in the name of revenge, closure, making ourselves feel better, we are merely transferring their vicious negativity to ourselves, and on to those more vulnerable currently sleeping masses who will follow us. Our focus should soon be primarily upon creating a far better world than the one we have inherited, and that intent will spread. Stopping those who oppose that is critical – watching them personally destroyed is not. That violence, as the basis of a better world, is delusional, it has never worked historically, and it never will. Our new world should be built on understanding, justice, and love – hatred and revenge must be transcended as an historical curiosity of a barbarous past.
Interesting points anon, and I largely agree. I do not know if you were replying directly to my posting above because at no point do I suggest that we should focus upon hatred and set its elimination as our goal – I entirely agree with that point, and it is entirely consistent with what I wrote. My experience is that hatred is a toxic (and yes, natural) emotion that is forged as much by perceived helplessness/powerlessness in the face of intolerable negativity as it is caused by intrinsic situations/activities. Full understanding and processing the causes of hatred, in all relevant dimensions, permit that emotion to transmute into less toxic emotions. What is futile and counterproductive is allowing negative emotions such as hatred to take the lead in our established public reactions to evil and crime, and we have to guard against that, our future depends on it. That is the place of fully considered and relevant justice. Hatred will dissolve when appropriate if we proceed accordingly; if we do not, we will fix hatred, and its toxic counterparts, as a deep feature of the society we intended to be an improvement on what has been. Consider the ‘success’ of the French Revolution, particularly The Terror, for a clear historical example of this process in action. Falling into that error would indeed be a case of the parts dictating the whole, which you rightly reject.