Big bucks beanz and her Jerome corsi handjob
Big bucks beanz and her Jerome corsi handjob
Look it's the khazarian predictive programming
Disguised as a comedy sketch
Having worked on over 40 films and TV shows it's been my experience reading scripts that clearly desensitization 2 m morality is a freaking hot priority with these people
If you can get people to laugh about something that is morally wrong well then when somebody comes out that is committed immoral Acts the public subconsciously goes easier on them
Especially those with very Progressive worldview
All of these articles produced by online new sources are all owned up the Chain by globalists. Most of these online news sources are owned by the cabalists.
Of course they go out and hire somebody like Pompeo to say what he said.
Next thing you know it'll be all over the news cast because all of these major networks quote these crappy online sources as sources
I don't think he would have put it off until some Wednesday in the future if that were the case
I think you should rethink your position. Just because you don't know what's happening doesn't mean there are arrest being made that are not being published. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people going ballistic at one time because their favorite politician or their favorite movie star or their favorite music star is outed as being a pedophile with absolute proof what do you think's going to happen? Mass chaos in the streets people burning books burning records storming Hollywood Studios there's no telling what the hell's going to happen