Anonymous ID: a5da0c Jan. 7, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.18478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9046


You are close, but a little cray-cray, IMO… Kubrick said something to the effect of; when you watched his movie "Eyes Wide Shut" you were willfully participating in the rituals by watching it. (Consent? Perhaps.) I'll look for the article.


This gets into the metaphysical though. And I think Q wants us to keep grounded.

Anonymous ID: a5da0c Jan. 7, 2018, 3:22 p.m. No.18560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8593 >>8648


(((They))) make us hate Muslims… (((They))) make Muslims hate us… (((They))) love to make the goyim kill each other.


Most don't know that "Wahhabism" (the violent "Islamic" ideology, promoting jihad) was created by a Jew. A "Donmeh Jew". A Donmeh Jew is not even a real "Jew" in the biblical sense of the word (they do not do the works of Abraham). Like many of the Khazarian-Turks, they masquerade as Islamic but secretly practice rabbinical Talmudic Judaism. This is a Cannanite teaching and is thoroughly evil and anti-everything and everyone that is non-Satanic.


FYI: The House of Saud/Alaweed Bin Talal are Donmeh Jews.