All things marker discussed. Dig and drop here
This needs a better title. Something like Q Clock Decipher or something.
In relation to using a clock cipher.
The 24 hour time stamp changes depending on where you are. If we are to decipher timestamps then we need to find a commonality between all people reading Q.
Which might be the difference between Q and Trump tweets. Possibly only the tweets that contain words used by Q.
Or. It could be deciphered based on Q posts and the timezone of where Trump is known to be at the time of the Q post. This would require a bread that had known Trump location at time of Q post
I'm leaning towards the delta between Q posts and Trump tweets.
Does anyone know the total number of related Q posts and Trump tweets?
These are the two confirmed markers for reference.
I'm on top of this. The clock cypher image at the top is one I dropped a few breads back. Problem right now is the screw up by the BO when they deleted a few Q posts that they thought were not Q recently. That messed up our timestamps. All timestamps need to be in EST, DC, WH time.
This is the best we have. I had to take this and edit the data a bit more, but don't have the raw updates.
I made that, here's the updated copy including everything:
>yes please keep in EST
Maybe we look at just the MINUTES. The alphabet fits in the first 26 minute-codes, of course, which is easier than shoehorning them into hours.