22 & 27 mins
22 & 27 mins
How much did AUS donate to CF? 10 yrs $88 m $0 when wikileaks emails. CF records don’t match AUS. dailycaller.com/2016/07/27/exclusive-clinton-foundation-got-20m-from-down-under-or-88m/
How much did SA donate to CF? WSJ says $10-$25 m, Since 2001, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates gave as much as $40 million to the Clinton Foundation. Individuals donation records? Read more here: www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article24782695.html#storylink=cpy
AUS was heavily involved with HIV/AIDS Clinton Health (Access)Initiative. CHI was “facilitator” means they skimmed 10% and passed money onto “local” groups. www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/08/the-sordid-history-of-australias-deals-to-facilitate-the-clinton-foundations-access-to-asia.html
AUS uses soft diplomacy especially dealing with China. Advantageous to coordinate vaccine programs through CF than conduct air raids in Syria.
Obama and his successor could control China/SEAsia. We could control ME by partnering with Saudis—$165 billion worth of arms sales were approved by the State Department to 20 nations whose governments gave money to the Clinton Foundation. The counties buying weapons from the US were the same countries previously condemned for human rights abuses. They included Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. $29 billion weapons to SA www.huffingtonpost.com/medea-benjamin/hillary-clinton-saudi-arabia_b_9374490.html
Why is this relevant? Only works if Labor party is in power in Australia. 2013 liberals came to power in Australia. MbS was named crowned prince early 2017 in surprise move. Mohammed bin Nayef was longtime favorite of US.
IDEN leadership during Hussein term.
Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, (2013 liberal )Tony Abbott, Turnbull
IDEN leadership during POTUS' term. Turnbull
Who controls AUS? PM
Who really controls AUS? Corporations, financiers.
UK? banks www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=39586
Why is this relevant? Banks control economy controls taxation controls military controls people. AUS balance. Trade with China strategic alliance with US. Sees decline of us power under BHO as way to get closer with Asian partners.
Qbilateral cooperation in the areas of cyber defense and cyber security incident response and expanded cooperation on ballistic missile defense (BMD) in the Asia-Pacific region.12 A bilateral working group is to look at ways Australia can contribute to a BMD system. Concerned about South China Sea reclamation
UK & US permanent UNSC members. NATO, UN, G8, huge grade relations, partners, probably controls 95% of world economies through banks