Tell me what post numbers you are missing and I will find them for you if I can.
I just looked, for example for this thread
link left intact because it is internal and it is 404
the archive of that thread exists:
I will go through the spreadsheet and continue to update all of Q's posts on 8ch with direct links to the posts in the of the thread.
Did you look on that site also for the threads on /cbts/? He has archives there up to #305
Please also cross-post your findings to the Loop Capital thread!
Well whatever man, I'M the admin of the spreadsheet so I can see all the history of every cell on there. I know what was posted exactly when.
Q definitively stated he/they did NOT post anywhere but halfchan and here.
So anyone claiming to have talked with Q, have had messages from Q or that he/they posted anywhere else is either lying or misinformed (duped).
Q was very, very clear.
>You do not have any of the deleted Q posts there nor any files from the dates I mentioned posted. A huge amounts of dates missing.
Are you talking about on the spreadsheet? Q posts are missing?
If so, please cite exactly which ones, on which dates.
>getting a 404 on that link
Try again, works fine for me. Another anons test please?
>definitely need the pre-deletion caps & timestamps…that's important. also need to verify what time zone they were captured in, which is likely wherever your browser is located.
I'm in EST so that helps. ALL Q posts that I see are on EST. This is harmonized with textanon's raw text file as well.
>all the Q drops from the 25th of December until the second of Feb
Q wasn't around anywhere in February. What are you talking about?
Q has made VERY clear he does NO drops on ANY other site.
You were not talking with Q.
> suggest a format that shows a money loop, or like a loopy loo from the unsuspecting communities and knowing lobbyist donors to Obummer and his cronies and bypassing the communities they are meant to help?
>Or… like a freeway loop that bypasses the hoods for a speedy cash drop to the big playas.
Ok, thank you - I will try to incorporate that.