Trump's two posts were 15 minutes apart, but
also, wasn't Trump's first message at 10:21 Eastern time? Q's [15] post was at 10:05 and 50seconds, so almost 10:06, Eastern time.
10:06 Q post←→10:21 Trump post
Trump's two posts were 15 minutes apart, but
also, wasn't Trump's first message at 10:21 Eastern time? Q's [15] post was at 10:05 and 50seconds, so almost 10:06, Eastern time.
10:06 Q post←→10:21 Trump post
So during and after the Storm, we're supposed to redpill folks by talking to people about the Q drops and findings on this board, and the information is not "conspiracy theory" because of the [15] [10] [5] markers.
We need to start mapping everything in Eastern time.