I just want to say that I think it's pretty hilarious Trump trolled all of the globalist interests that monitor this feed by using DEFCON[1] to distribute a code to the rest of us. They all had to be freaking the f out until one of the brains told them what the hell brackets around letters and numbers mean. Pretty funny Q team. Nice one 4-10-20.
You'll be vindicated soon sir. Thank you for helping to put alot of this into motion. I hear you played a big part behind the scenes. Thanks for being willing to take a bullet to let all this play out. Question. Did you really bring up Pence's friends and himself being on your confirmed pedo trafficking list to Pence in his office that day and that's what led to the fall out?
It was a code and nothings to do w defcon1. It meant Definite Confirmation of a personal message forthcoming from the president in a very specific amount of time believe it or not.
i thought it was hilarious personally
Can you give us more intel on the Vatican and Jesuits/various knighthoods. They are ready.
Q please tell 4-10-20 thanks. I've been studying these guys for 15 years and never thought this would be possible. It was now or never. Thanks to all of you. Youve got my IP, anything anytime guys.
Semper Fi