That was the only time you came across garbled and stupid, Dr. McQendrick. And I can DEFinitely CON firm I shit myself.
He did not.
4, 10, 20 is DJT (num alpha)
[x] square brackets! where x = minutes apart between messages
If DJT tweets, look for matching Q key words.
If Q messages with [x] look for matching DJT tweets x minutes from Q. Remember that sometimes the messages are Today, or In The Past. But they are always x minutes apart.
And finally, once we understand the AUTH is active, look for the ACTION we are to take. At this point, I think the ACTIONs are all about re-educating the masses about that particular STAGE of the AWAKENING.
Q wanted a graphic "marker" on the PP house oversight page. Then linked the example AUTH conversation to that - meaning, if this had been a real AUTH, we should begin repilling the PP education meme storm.
And since Q had given all the crumbs to dig on, it's really time for us to wait for each AUTH signal and take ACTION. All the rest of this loaf are misdirections and shill. My take, what I'm going to do between coffee and sigs.