I think it's all pretty clear. Prince got sick of some things going on and started gaming the deep state over past years. A small group of former military and intel approached Trump to run. He hesitated, they showed him the depths of things going on and he more or less said how can I help? Prince stopped some things from happening during the election to my understanding. Soon after election Admiral Rogers presented Trump proof that they tried to steal the election and proof of deep state surveillance of him and other documents proving kid trafficking. Trump had the ammo he needed to keep certain people at bay. Trump let the IG loose almost from day 1 w a 1,000 person staff and a 100 mil budget to seek out proof of what he had been warned about. Turned out to be true. Bill Binney was introduced to President and I believe we have been using his ThinThread program among others to map and chart the various trafficking and corruption worldwide. I believe that POTUS has chosen Prince to carry out the ops for attack w hand picked highly trained personnel and they are all currently undertaking actions in a compartmentalized capacity. I believe NSA and mil have been given authority over most if not all gov't agencies due to Trump secretly using the Insurrection Act which gives them the power to do so. I believe his EO on the 20th solidified this status and allowed him far reaching powers including the ability to legally seize the assets of these extremely wealthy individuals. They have told us a number of the actors involved but its tedious to get into. There are thousands of sealed indictments and they will begin rolling those out shortly as well as have to admit that a number of well known people are in GITMO. They have shown a knowledge of the people actually responsible so I take confidence in their confidence. These people haven't been taken off the chessboard yet so I still have a number of concerns about their strategy but I can't see everything so I digress.
lol. the whole thing has been brilliantly played. It's all fascinating if you understand the world at all. I've been studying these bastards for 15 years so I still have concerns they are being underestimated to a degree.
Yeah he's a badass but not perfect. I read Jamie Smith's book called Gray Work and it had alot about Prince in it. They sort of co-founded Blackwater w the agency. Gray Work is a good read if anyone in here hasn't read it.
They've played it brilliantly but these people are deeply entrenched and it's complicated.
Are you going to put the Pope and most of Catholic and Jesuit leadership in Gitmo? The questions don't get easier from there.
They are finally using our grid to its full potential with Binney and his boys being allowed to deploy more efficient algorithms within the grid. I always picture Space Cowboys and envision Bill Binney, Thomas Drake, and Weibe strolling into the NSA with Office Space slow mo music going in the background and their arms swaying excessively. They walk in and implement their algos and show those boys how that place should have been run since 9/11. Has to be a great feeling for those guys.
Agree, but you said it, if the truth comes out. I think the recognition that throwing alot of these big games in GITMO all at once tomorrow would be hard to swallow for some people. They are hoping we can break thepublic in slightly as well as help prepare the "bread" for the social media campaigns necessary to control the narrative/optics during that time.
I lean toward Bill Binney. He'd be my guess for mapmaker anyway. The implementation would have fallen to Prince in coordination with NSA I think.
16 recon marines died in a stateside chopper crash on 7/10/17
I hope they're not taking certain peoples advice in regards to leaving them an exit strategy if they choose to take it. Maybe we hold a fake carrot out for a while but you don't make deals with the kind of fanaticism that exists at the very top. You just don't. Ask Lincoln. His greatest fear was the Jesuits if you read his writings. He was constantly afraid of being poisoned by them. Trumps enemy is of the same lineage but far more complex to tame when all of the social conditioning the public has undergone is taken into consideration.
wasnt aware he said it had to do with a plane. I've just seen the 7/10 posted a number of times. Wasn't aware he had eluded more to it. Thanks.
It really is. That said much of this needs to be rooted out. The religious angles of this(multi-faith) make for an incredibly complex situation.