Yes she is 'taking advantage'
The problem is that she keeps tweeting about this chan instead of sending them to Reddit.
I don't care if she makes videos, but quit tweeting that actual Q posts are fake before she knew. Just shut up and wait for codemonkey to log on before starting shit storms on twitter/reddit/youtube causing everyone from all three to come here.
Good one
We looked into most of these but who are FBI Attorney Sally Moyer, FBI Assistant Director Greg Brower, and FBI Special Agent James Rybicki?
What do they have to do with the whole FBI/Dossier thing?
Shhh don't tell them, maybe they will all go follow that and people can make videos about it.
We can dig
Could you add this updated link to the Spreadsheet please.
I can get them to agree that Vegas is BS. Even liberals seem to get that. So maybe tie that to the Saudi stuff after you can get them agreeing something isn't right about the Vegas story.
An anon here yesterday said he owned the book and the original book does not contain Q's