Interesting thought just walked through my mind. As I was reading what transpired on this board last night, and thinking “Wow! I can’t believe I’ve been a part of this!” , the word ‘witness’ kept coming to mind. I’m a spiritual anon that was lead here from the beginning. There are many of us, and most just lurk. I’ve only spoken up when I sensed discouragement. My main job was to pray for protection over all of you and to try to block the enemy from messing with communications. We all know the risk involved in being a part of this. This is a major spiritual event. The biggest of our lifetime. So we had the spiritual anons on here, and we’ve had the autist anons. Two different groups, witnessing evidence, info, etc. The two witnesses in Revelation came to mind. The two witnesses were laughed at and mocked by everyone else. They were beheaded and laid dead in the streets for all to spit on for three days. BUT, then they came back to life. Why am I writing this? There seems to be a lot of hinting that time may be running out. There could possibly be a “black out” coming where the witnesses can’t speak (communicate- you can’t communicate much if you don’t have a head). IF this happens, you can remember this post and KNOW that it will be resolved in a few days, and keep the faith, knowing that this plan will not fail.