In my experience it is important to distinguish between 'redpilling,' 'going down the rabbit hole' and 'the great awakening'.
The red pill is fundamentally about "waking up" - which is to say that it is fundamentally empowering (although it will often feel scary and disempowering at first - think Neo when he first wakes up).
The most important parts of the red pill are:
Stop giving your sovereignty and freedom of thought away to some "authority" (e.g., the MSM, academia, political leadership, etc.)
Start learning how to take responsibility for your own thoughts and perspective - come to understand the basis of your own perspectives and ideas; learn how cognitive biases work and how to avoid them; learn how to establish confidence (or lack thereof) in information to build a more and more accurate model of reality
Begin to build that more accurate model by doing the work and learning who you can reasonably trust to actually help you - without giving away your sovereignty and responsibility.
In this context, the red pill should be information that they can (and likely actually will) check for themselves. It doesn't have to be profound. It might be things like "eating fat is better for you than eating carbs" or "fiat currency is created out of thin air as debt". Something that they care about (for their own reasons) and that they can confirm (in their own way) with only a small amount of doing their own research. Direct first person (lived) experience (as distinguished from third person information) is a great redpill.
Once someone begins to take back their sovereignty and enters onto the path of 'empowered responsibility', they have been red pilled.