Anonymous ID: cb0760 the art of the redpill (1/3) Jan. 8, 2018, 6:16 a.m. No.25187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5292

In my experience it is important to distinguish between 'redpilling,' 'going down the rabbit hole' and 'the great awakening'.


The red pill is fundamentally about "waking up" - which is to say that it is fundamentally empowering (although it will often feel scary and disempowering at first - think Neo when he first wakes up).


The most important parts of the red pill are:

  • Stop giving your sovereignty and freedom of thought away to some "authority" (e.g., the MSM, academia, political leadership, etc.)

  • Start learning how to take responsibility for your own thoughts and perspective - come to understand the basis of your own perspectives and ideas; learn how cognitive biases work and how to avoid them; learn how to establish confidence (or lack thereof) in information to build a more and more accurate model of reality

  • Begin to build that more accurate model by doing the work and learning who you can reasonably trust to actually help you - without giving away your sovereignty and responsibility.


In this context, the red pill should be information that they can (and likely actually will) check for themselves. It doesn't have to be profound. It might be things like "eating fat is better for you than eating carbs" or "fiat currency is created out of thin air as debt". Something that they care about (for their own reasons) and that they can confirm (in their own way) with only a small amount of doing their own research. Direct first person (lived) experience (as distinguished from third person information) is a great redpill.


Once someone begins to take back their sovereignty and enters onto the path of 'empowered responsibility', they have been red pilled.

Anonymous ID: cb0760 the art of the redpill (2/3) Jan. 8, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.25234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5264 >>5292

Once someone has woken up and begin to take responsibility for their own map of the world, they will being to be capable of the journey down the rabbit hole.


Most people here know that this journey is not easy - it is scary to realize how much you've been lied to and deceived. It is even more scary to realize how many different stories are out there - each with their own vigorous advocates (which religions are luciferian these days?).


Moreover, as we know, much of the information on the other side of the rabbit hole has been tainted or planted or both ("conspiracy theories") precisely to punish people for going down the rabbit hole.


No-one wants to be the raving lunatic on the outside of "everybody knows". No one wants to claim Y when everyone else things X. In particular, no one wants to be revealed as foolish when they claim Y and then discover that they made a mistake (often by putting their faith in something rather than taking full responsibility).


It is unwise to push people into the rabbit hole. When they aren't ready, the well founded fear of being an outcast and a fool will lead to resistance and will slow down their progress on the path. It can even kick them back into the Matrix.


You can lead a horse to water, you can't make him drink. The rabbit hole should only be delivered through crumbs, hints and invitations. And it should be taken slowly - spelunking is a dangerous hobby. As we have seen these past few months, many of the deep dives down the rabbit hole are a distraction - it is easy to get lost down there in the depths.


But, the path of sovereignty will inevitably lead down the rabbit hole. And the better you get at learning how to distinguish between fact and opinion, between clarity and clarity, between deception and truth, the better you will get at diving down the rabbit hole and coming back up with a better map of reality - to share with everyone else who is trying in good faith to make sense of their world.