Assange hasn't been heard from since 12/31/2017. Tonight his Twitter handle changed from the blue diamond to an hour glass emoji.
Tick Tock?
Assange hasn't been heard from since 12/31/2017. Tonight his Twitter handle changed from the blue diamond to an hour glass emoji.
Tick Tock?
two news copters clearly means something happening
what is this?
max q is when theres the most stress on the object
Think i found the fire starters at trump tower
Maybe it's the same person who burned Ray Moore's accuser's house. Doing the unexpected to throw off the fuzz
wrong trip?
and filtered
check earlier in the thread anon
apparently it was coming out the cooling unit
Quick brief on the fire at trump tower:
Orange coloured smoke
From a rooftop cooling unit
Top floors are residences and business.
Do cooling units normally give out orange smoke when on fire?
the news that it was an electrical box is new
what about the B52 Stratofortress?
B52 stratofortress can reach north korea and deliver nuke payloads
Skyfortress? Fire and fury? Nukes
fucking idiot
tick tock