>raised jehovah's witness
>found it boring and left when i was old enough to choose for myself
>didn't really follow any religion but still had a belief in god and valued the morals that christianity based religions taught to their children
>never taken any type of drug including cigarettes, no piercings or tattoos and drink alcohol infrequently
>have always felt like the wage slave system is a prison and tried to live within means/without much debt
in a lot of ways, i feel like i've subconsciously prepared for and been waiting for my own awakening
>non-spiritual and apolitical
>lurk on 4/v/ occasionally
>happen to be there when gamergate explodes
>learn how dishonest the media is, how coordinated SJW pushing is, and start to take an interest in politics
>now lurk on 4/pol/ occasionally
>happen to be there when Q explodes
>happen to have just quit my previous job and living on savings, with a lot of free time to spare
>follow Q threads
>some questions and links lead in esoteric directions
>find those particular topics fascinating and spend a lot of researching different view points when not focused on the Q stuff
sounds a lot like synchronicity to me