The Loop Capitol link is stale.
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The Loop Capitol link is stale.
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< Forgot to say it was in CBTS, hopefully this link works
Loop Capitol Thread
all good desu, thank you for all the hard work :)
Fiat justitia ruat caelum
< emotions are good, it means your heart is in the right place, just dont let grumpiness fog judgment, take a breather when it does.
< ill bite
< everytime one of you fags tell me i am wrong, you most certanly always the one wrong
> P_pers, weeks ago i was saying it was Presidential_Persuasion, POTUS_personal, and yall shill fags kept saying it was Panama Papers like the little faggots you are.
< literally try harder faggot, i know the pay is not good, but fuck, at least fucking try.
did you notice how snopes came out to "debunk" Ben Carsons find?
its been a while but its good to see your enthusiasm again PA. Lets finish strong and may our follow through be even more forceful.
> samurai.jpg
fuck fuck fuck
> non retard one
phonefaggot on an android, fuck me
always have thought 'cider' had something to do with this
> https://
they should def proof read the tweets before they go out, i mean, its not like they are posting on a messaging board where everyone is an autistic faggot or anything and we (I mean me) botch words all the time :)
there yah go :)
wrong personโฆ.