Anonymous ID: 3aed86 Jan. 8, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.26884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6921 >>7049

holà Anons, i know most of us screenshot Q's drops, and have all the maps(graphic compilations) but can some worthy rigorous anon do the same for POTUS twitter?

In proper/consistent timezones of course…


Especially important since some crucial tweets get deleted:

>Archive immediately.


>Archive and coordinate.

>Crumbs dropped will soon paint the full picture.

>The picture will open the eyes of the world.

>We can't do it without you.

>God bless you all.



we were sorta supposed to get working on this dec. 23rd… but hey, that's ok, there was much crumbs/action/drama. now we've been repeatedly called to get on it, so much less excuses as we go:


>Side-by-side graphic?

>Locate and create.[:22]

>SEARCH crumbs : [#2]

>Who is #2?

>No deals.

>Q [:27]

>How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin' James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife's campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?


>Previous also logged in graphic form [10] + others?

>Timestamps important.





>Graphics should be in same time zone.

>Delta relevant.






not to diss the excellent work of anons analyzing markers (hard to follow, pretty confused myself), but i have yet to see graphs/captures that make them understandable: i've seen mostly caps (not using not the same zone and/or format for POTUS tweets, for example), and all sorts of squigly lines added over dates - draws attention, sure, but the result seems pretty messy.

What we have now helps us learn, but it is NOT yet satisfactory to redpill anyone, let alone critics/skeptics…


need :


MOAR exhaustivity


MOAR rigor


MOAR clarity


suggest :


/////// MAPS : timelines comparing Q & POTUS side by side = Compilations (full menu)


/////// GRAPHS : captures of single events/markers for examples = bitesize crumbs (to have in one sitting/tweet/etc)



Anonymous ID: 3aed86 Jan. 8, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.26889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7491



also re:

>We can't do it without you

& panic & fear (DEFCON etc)…



>You are safe.

>God bless.



>This requires a DEEP CLEANING.

>These people are stupid.

>You are safe.

>Have faith.



So, life-threatening situations aren't for us. If you are an operator, you know it. Otherwise, no need to worry. Cracking Q's codes and markers helps us help them, but it won't directly affect the on-the-ground missions.


It will, however, affect how those are perceived. Think of us as the AUDIENCE in the theater: what we do will/can not directly impact the SCRIPT/ACTORS/the SHOW will go on, but audience reaction can and does change the entire vibe.

We have front row seats, and by being educated and informed we will get the jokes, laugh harder and everyone has fun. But if nobody gets the jokes, then people get confused and rowdy, and trouble starts. THAT is our mission. Whether the internet likes it or not, the chans are a forefront of culture. Jokes, memes, political ideas, the influence over the rest of the internet is MASSIVE. It leaks out, sometimes fast, sometimes much more slowly, but it does.


Last point, if i could find the post i'd copypasta, it was about the famefags/youtubers (Beanz etc), and compared them/us to a band.

There are soloists, and there's the rythm section. Some take the spotlight, some work in the shadows, but all play an essential part.

Of bloody fucking course it's annoying to see the Beanz/Corsi being so awful at what they should be doing, but meh, all part of the plan.

When was the leaking of chan culture into the mainstream ever a smooth happy process? Never, and that mostly concerned memes and pepes. Now we're in a world-changing situation, so obviously the ante's upped a lot.

Noise, noise, noise. Some of it brings attention and more anons to work, a lot of it distracts, but in the end it's just noise, and we're not trying to be silent (and all out of bubblegum).


oh, other last point: raw Q on twitter, etc. Yes, normies need drops to be explained and watered-down, but let's be honest: the real Q crumbs are why we're here.

Why we're STILL here after all this time.

Do not underestimate the drawing-in power of the crumbs, and their mystery.

It's not for everyone, but those whose almonds are activated will be and are drawn in, and that can have much better and stronger repercussions than just having seen a few memes…

I would'nt be here if "someone had told me shit".

I'm here because I saw what Q was saying, and I could see IT WAS THE SHIT.

No reason to prevent more people for getting into it this way, unless that's the idea (shill tactic).


Memes for the normies, sure, but it's not cut and dry: lots of half-norms out there that aren't hopeless.

They will most definitely be turned off if they get the idea that it's just dudes spamming the same old JAYZLLUMINATI crap, but if they get a peek at how spicy Q's crumbs truly are… different story. But diffrent strokes for diffrent snokes, fo'sure



Anonymous ID: 3aed86 Jan. 8, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.27466   🗄️.is 🔗kun




always noise, there is.

only adding to it, you are.


>Graphic form for each correlation a MUST.

>Graphic form for each correlation a MUST.

>Graphic form for each correlation a MUST.


>We believe in you.

>We believe in you.

>We believe in you.