That's what she said.
Yeah…"Free marker" economics. The "invisible hand" of the government…coming to pick your pocket.
Then they give subsidies to grow GMO (Monsanto) corn for Ethynol and don't let you grow useful hemp.
You're shitting up the board now. Might as well stop fagging
Sweet. I've never seen one in RL. Searched on a lark.
Get on Netflix then and watch Sum of All Fears.
Very few know what Q is. I guess he should have sooner though. People I follow on jewtube were denying Q was real for a long time, but it was quite obvious Q was real.
He's going down the the rest of the kikes. Committee of 300 asshole. Smug fucking prick
Nice one kek
During the Bush years, he seemed cool. I think he was pro pot, but he's definitely Deep State….you might be onto something…certainly a player.
Nice share…wow
[E]ating babies
[N]orth Korea