4-10-20 = D J T
Who said it was a marker? I was repying to someone else. And it's not old, it was today.
I'm going to order one right now!
Summary of recent events.
Potus decides to put off bad news awards till the 17. This is because Julian Assange is now here in the US and Potus has all the info. It's more than he dreamed of, hence the postponing of events.
A secure place to keep Julian was needed, but had to be somewhere no one would look. Somewhere heavily fortified.
Sky fortress engaged : Trump tower catches fire, no real damage done, but dozens of emergency personal storm the building in chaos… well organized chaos.
By the time the get to the roof through various avenues, a subtle switch was made. An emergency worker enters one of the super secure vip suites and another, fully geared emergency worker comes out. Fire is quickly dealt with and life goes back to normal.
From the window vantage point of the Super secure vip suite, one Julian Assange smiles as he removes the heavy obscuring safety gear and allows it to drop to the floor. …
Soon… very soon I believe… soon as in, the 17th.
The fire was the distraction needed to rush everyone in while chaos ensued.