Might as well direct people to HTTPS EVERYWHERE extension then. Because between downloading that, using Hooktube, and 3 different ways to break links, and reading a post that takes 11 lines to explain what >>29775 explains in 6 - for no clear benefit, for an alleged "OPSEC" rule that doesn't actually exist outside of here - getting started is easy and accessible as ever.
It's okay to be white.
Eat shit faggot. I don't deserve such harsh and false designation. And it wasn't arguing, it was adults trying to solve a problem. Do you even fucking understand the problem of broken links? Not likely, idiot.
Because yeah, that's what normies and subnormies do for 11 hours on a Monday: bicker on fucking 8chan.
Keep in mind 4-6% is 12-18 million people.
You, my deluded hypocritical shitposting newfag, are in no position to tell anyone to lurk more. At least not with any kind of attitude. If your stale old woman memes constitute any kind of attitude. But clearly that was your intent. Anywho:
Now shut up. An actually good newfag was asking an earnest question in hopes of contributing. What the hell have you done lately?
Ignore above idiot, friend. I doubt you're on to anything but part of digging is pursuing what comes to your own mind. If a physical map would help you, by all means make one. Godspeed.