Adam Aron new CEO of AMC came onboard in 2016
Does Adam Aron (looks like a kike) appear on Lolita Express flight logs- he's a yuuuge player >Adam Aron, who joined the company as CEO and President in 2016, has taken the Company to new heights, as AMC announced in 2016 acquisitions of both Carmike Cinemas in the United States, and Odeon & UCI Cinemas in Europe. Upon completion of either of these transactions, AMC will be the largest theatre chain in the world.
See AMC’s History for more information.
Gaggle'd it pic related
Summon the best Autists-I had a hunch-he joined AMC in 2016-Already made 3+ billion in deals to acquire moar loop says HODL on stock- fuckery affot I think he's a kike