I don't think you're the right man for the job if that's your attitude.
This is kind of interesting:
So the CEO of Loop Capital is a man named Jim Reynolds. He's an old basketball buddy of Obama's from back in Chicago. According to this article Loop Capital helps companies and countries "raise money." They work as an intermediary when a company wants to "borrow" from the public for infrastructure projects.
http://www.chicago tribune.com/business/ct-biz-executive-profile-jim-reynolds-20130401-story.html
Do you guys remember the Q drop asking us to dig into Schumer's wife Iris Schumer and NY corruption. She was the Senior Vice President of the New York State Urban Development Corporation and appointed commissioner of NY DOT.
I was looking for a connection between Schumer and infrastructure corruption. This may be how they siphoned federal money for highways into their own pockets.