Anonymous ID: c859b0 DEEP DREAM Q reference Jan. 8, 2018, 7:05 p.m. No.31203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A “deep dream” or DD is also related to psychoanalysis theory of Carl Jung. A DD is recognized by the dreamer in its depth of intensity, symbolism, impact, intrusion on waking consciousness, sense of meaning that becomes clear over time. Jung theory was that in a DD the dreamer self May in some cases be in communication with a collective unconscious independent of time and space that is rich in information otherwise unknowable by the individual consciousness. Hey anons I would not bring it up if I did not know it was real, I’m talking complex symbol images places actions in very few dreams, but over decades one recognizes milestones that were premonitions to you along the path of life. Like signposts and markers incontrovertibly foretold in a deep deep dream. Anyway what if some tech allowed people to access this precognitive state at will, to derive knowledge from the information continuum, for lack of a better word, with support from a quantum state based AI. BTW your brain is a quantum state dealio too, just bio based and with interactive EM fields inside your head, no need for nerve conduction (slow) when EM coupling from one brain region to another happens at near c right? JohnJoe McFadden U.K. consciousness research into this. Just random thoughts here ^ buddy

Anonymous ID: c859b0 Jan. 8, 2018, 7:08 p.m. No.31233   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Overrated threat somewhat, need a big yield over target area at right altitude. Weird that Tesla “electric device”inside the SpaceX photo suggests strange payload…spoopy doop