Don't need to lurk, Been here from the start. Apparently you just learned something.
You have no idea who I am I'm afraid.
If you do you glow bright as fuck
This place needs to be refreshed. Too many short memories or disinformation has run rampant.
I'm sick of the new fags coming in. Last night was frustrating. Don't want another night like last night
Anons please remind all glowing fags about their fate.
They already know they are dead men walking. They don't sleep. How could you knowing MI is hearing you breathe.
The more you remind them the more the vanish for a short time.
They don't like to be taunted with their death. So fire away at them. Maybe, just maybe we break one and they snap
We need to proof the great awakening is taking place. I don't see it trying to make those around me aware
Need more confirmation that can't be ignored or taken lightly like most are