Anonymous ID: a28ed2 Jan. 8, 2018, 10:09 p.m. No.32772   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What's standing between having more open-minded 2-way conversations?


Even if people don't watch a lot of cnn, the network & local garbage still do the job.


Once POTUS, Bannon & O'Keefe pull off their miracle and get Mockingbird exposed for what it is and deflated, only then can POTUS' team put Hussein admin people & HRC to justice, IMO. Here's why: Don't knock mockingbird out first? There's even more doubt, unrest & riots, and people will be even more irrational and hostile than they are already because msm fuels it ALL. That's why cable "news" (whethr cnn or fox) has drama queens on all day, stirring emotion & speculating instead of reporting news. (People who don't stay up for Hannity remain in complete darkness, and his liberty is quite limited on tv.)

To do my part, usually try to spread the 'top 10 staged media' and "propoganda/manipulation" videos. (They're on hooktube.)

It's all I can do (online) because trying to talk IRL about virtually anything is impossible with tv & facistbook literally paralyzing peoples' minds.


