People keep acting like Q is an idol, to be worshipped and deified. What is the reason why JFK was so important and the release of the information?
Feels like I'm the only one on this board, that knows all this stuff. Heellloooooooo Wander Cat to Earth hoomins.
McFly? McFly? Hello? McFly?
How did the Federal Reserve Start?
What does this have to do with Gold Standard????????????????????
Ever since Benoit Mandelbrot discovered “fractals” in the 1970s, the fascinating new science of Chaos Theory has become a part of our collective knowledge base.
Mandelbrot discovered a remarkable “geometry of nature” – in which highly complex systems can be reduced down to a few very simple ingredients.
What if we use this same science to “hack” the world’s economy with super-computers – and see how many corporations actually control it?
Three scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, led by James Glattfelder, recently did this – and their results were published in New Scientist, a respected science magazine.
Glattfelder’s team unleashed a vast armada of supercomputers on Orbis 2007 – a very elaborate database of the top 37 million corporations and individual investors worldwide.
The results were absolutely stunning.
The Swiss scientists quickly found a total of 43,060 trans-national corporations in the Orbis 2007 database.
From this group, Glattfelder’s team revealed that a ‘core’ of 1,318 companies directly controlled 20 percent of the world’s wealth.
However, these corporations also appeared to own and control the stock in a majority of the world’s largest companies – whose profits added up to an additional 60 percent of global revenues:
Although they represented 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the 1318 [corporations] appeared to collectively own, through their shares, the majority of the world's large blue chip and manufacturing firms – the "real" economy – representing a further 60 per cent of global revenues….
[This] core of 1318 companies [had] interlocking ownerships. Each of the 1318 had ties to two or more other companies, and on average they were connected to 20 [other corporations].
In Section One, we learned how the Federal Reserve bankers secretly control an astonishing 80 percent of the world's income-earning businesses. They have rigorously dominated the media through CIA-fronted programs such as Operation Mockingbird.
This obviously presents us with a major problem. These plans are so well-constructed, so interconnected that it seems almost impossible to believe they exist – or could ever be stopped.
Most people automatically put this sort of data into the category of “supernatural.” If they dare to entertain the idea that this is all really true, they will be paralyzed with unspeakable, sleepless paranoia.
In order to get back to leading functional lives, most people naturally go into complete denial – making excuses for why the things they read could not be true.
Let me be clear: that won’t make it go away.
In President Woodrow Wilson’s 1913 book The New Freedom, Section 1, “The Old Order Changeth,” page 13, he said the following:
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something.
“They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
This is only one of a series of revealing quotes at the above link that show how concerned Wilson was about the Federal Reserve."
For the love of god,