WakeTheFuckUp ID: 819cc3 Feb. 2, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.36808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6872

Boards are comped. People suck. The end.


Q seems bogus. People want their own fame. Truth seekers have an ironic name since they bash you if you do not agree 100% with everything they claim as truth (with little to no evidence). Everyone is a faggot if they aren't already sucking the nuts of a larper and people are too stupid, too torn apart and too far gone for any changes to honestly matter anymore. The thing I'm most annoyed with by Q, by theorists, by everyone. You guys want to keep pointing fingers. No one made any of the choices you've made for you. WE ALL allowed this country and ourselves to be bought off and paid for but as the usual here, no accountability and only a finger pointed outward. Obviously its the Rothschilds fault some nimrod in Alabama dropped out of high school and can't make more than $10 an hour. Obviously!

WakeTheFuckUp ID: 819cc3 Feb. 6, 2018, 6:39 a.m. No.37443   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  • Links to news sources after continually telling everyone MSM is compromised. Minus Fox News. Funny how that works.


  • Why the need for the secrecy?


It's used to fit the role. "1 of 4" and all that. Could have just as easily said "find video of this persons phone". Nope, need riddles, cause…why not? Right? "But if he spells it out the deep state will know" Oooooh. OK. So when you guys spell it out two comments below him, that's different. Sure.


  • Has anyone asked themselves why Q needs us to do any of this?


Has ANYTHING you people have researched and done been used toward this "battle"? No? Those memes didn't bring Justice? Just more puzzle and time to waste until those re-elections.


  • What happened to Hillary, does Q have A.D.D.?


Funny how for weeks it was all about Hillary and now that's pretty much done. Q is a lot like the MSM, pushing a narrative for a week and then moving to a new one. What happened to all those Hillary issues and Obama issues. They were going down! Now you're supposed to look the other direction and dig for a video …maybe do some research on FBI directors. Again, completely new topic, old one forgotten, everyone follows along like sheep.


Wake the fuck up. You're being duped. Some great, honest, good hearted Americans on this board that mean well but are being trapped into this circle jerk.


Q is one of two things. Both are brilliant plays. This is either all a Republican circle jerk (looking more and more that way with links to nothing but Fox) or the elite have infiltrated the thorn in their side. What a better way to ruin conspiracies than to have one from the inside gain their trust. POTUS can be working for them under the guise of being for the people. Something they kept close to the chest. Hard to believe after hundreds of years things can just fall apart so easily.


Nothing has happened to anyone. Everyone with focus is a liberal and a small potato in the grand scheme of the world.

WakeTheFuckUp ID: 819cc3 Feb. 6, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.37469   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think you're patting yourself on the back a little too hard. I sincerely think the elite could careless about you, this board or memes.