Anonymous ID: a7f1f7 March 8, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.38514   🗄️.is 🔗kun



True and no longer a Republic, but is an oligarchy. It is and has been under secret martial law and military rule since the U.S. Civil War, which never ended. It is under Maritime law or law of the sea, thus. All Federal courts do not function under the Constitution, but rather under maritme law. You have no rights, only priviledges.


All American´s bodies belong to the bankers - they created a TDA account in your name when you are born and you become not a citizen of the US, but a citizen of the corporate D.C. All are slaves of the British colony and of the Vatican. The Roman empire is the Vatican. Muslims, Catholics, all serve the Vatican the the murderous black Pope teams of the Jesuits.