Hello, everyone, hopefully this post remains up.. I have been banned on both /cbts/ and /pol/ for posting what I have found.
One of the most often stated phrases in Q's posts are 'The Future Proves The Past' and in response to that, as well as the cryptic nature of his questioning, many anons started delving into esoterics and such. And it almost universally lead to insane levels of fear mongering. Most of what they came up with lead to immediate panic which could be seen in their posts. To be perfectly honest I had a feeling that Qanon was trying to point us to looking into how ww2 or something like that ties into this, going along with the roots of the CIA.
But something that I figured out is that a certain level of "questioning everything" coupled with a conscious effort to see abstract connections between things and events, seems to literally activate your almond, as in your pineal gland. I started noticing strange absolutely absurd levels of synchronicity in songs, almost all of them are about what esoterics call "the myth" So I looked into it more and found that all of the "esoteric hermits" spoke of a "different level of consciousness" which "one could only attain by sperging on hyper abstractions. until 'something happens'" and once that is achieved they start coming to know knowledge which is entirely new, can not be disproven, and there is not much explanation for how it was arrived at. And one thing that they definitely all seem to have agreed on is that this 'path to higher thought' can not be taught to all people because 'if they can not find it on their own they are not mentally fit enough to not go insane when they get there, therefore all knowledge to be passed down must be written in metaphor"
Makes me wonder why Qanon put such emphasis on asking "Why were you chosen?"