mods how many ppl is in/c_b_t_s/?????how many here!!!!!!@y@
they r using quantum computer ,we r against c_a & bad actors.
we have to move like them & we have to think like them.i think N_A is with us.
who ask potus to run for president ?????
alice & wonderland is _a_r_e_a_5_1_S_4
project looking glass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anon think hard about it
anon think hard about it, there is no joke
2 day's in row i woke up and my internet n tv was off i had to call again to turn my service to back on
they have our ip's, they know who we are!!!!!!!!
i am in IT and never happen to me, somebody getting our ip's,BO has to do something we r against bad actors & 7 /dowrf/ _c_a
who's saying we r divided ??????MSM ,AC
we r white_hat,we can join you_to clean line for your drop.thank you
snowden is intelligent opration_deep_state_
microsoft 10
iPhone 10
anon's listen to q, everybody pay attention
did the ppl got here/see how many ppl before _q_post/was here/
and now how many ppl?????///////
who ever got email from _q/_is fake, that means they know who you are
>>zack talk about space_X_payload
it's eye only,zuma is the eye[i] off nuke
remember he said [i] is missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can u post it here//////now i see all post going up/down whenever you post it
it's more than that, we know about insider trading & /9_1_1/