Hi anons. Hope every1 calms down a bit.
Bread and happenings smell great.
Gonna lurk 4 moar gitmo planes. Pls dont kill eachother ok? Remember the whole shillgame is to make us fight eachother. Dont let them WIN.
Hi anons. Hope every1 calms down a bit.
Bread and happenings smell great.
Gonna lurk 4 moar gitmo planes. Pls dont kill eachother ok? Remember the whole shillgame is to make us fight eachother. Dont let them WIN.
Here is the screenprint with my reply 2 her. She deleted hers and i cant go back any further in her history. If someone else can, check date n time on my tweet. Roseanne /ourgirl
Pls Q 1 stupid question. R there any aliens in this story somewhere???