>Tungsten-filled gold bars
It doesn't take much of a search to find they're turning up all over and it's been going on a long time. It's not solely an American problem either, but my spidey senses went off with the Fort Knox reference. Remember a short while ago Sec Treas Mnuchin went there, "assuming" the gold was there. https:/ /www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-21/mnuchin-to-visit-fort-knox-assumes-america-s-gold-still-there
If DJT is going to return us to a gold standard, we're going to need real physical gold to do it with. There's a credible amount of info that the gold supply is tainted by counterfeit bullion. And then there's Gadaffi's gold, Vatican gold, BOE's gold, DB gold, Chinese gold. Do they all have real gold, the CF and CGI have the cash, and the American's are left holding the bag?
Monday might be a shit ton more interesting than we thought.