Not sure either way about Kushner, but I'm leaning clean and Trump ally.
I think you have factor in that there was a lot of his father's shit he had to clean up after his father got sent to prison, though. Kid got pegged with that, now bad guys wanting to mess with Trump's family may be stirring up shit about it.
Got to think, for Kushner, the payback to the people who sent his father to prison and that are stirring shit up is a good possibility working with Trump.
Like you say, the kid did run the campaign, too, from what I've read. Calculated best ROI $ per electoral vote.
Apparently doesn't need a lot of recognition, either. He's certainly not knocking people over to get to a TV camera.
Seems to me to be a lot more upside for him with Trump, and I have to think Trump had his guys give the kid a thorough check out before he let Ivanka marry him.
But, ya' never know.