Anyone seen this? Thoughts? Dec. 7 Date. LARP? Art?
Anonymous Instagram Picture. Is underlined 5 group the DOITQ group? Fires . California Fires?
Good Links. What about the text? Why Instagram? LARP? Artist? Geek? Anon? Twitter counts are BULLSHIT. We are reaching more than we know. Twitter scrubs/suppresses/caps counts.
Assholes. Hail KEK. PEPE Rules.
Five people in DOITQ photo? Blue line added by source. Could have been any color I assume. False lead. What about messages? Ideas?
Twitter Sucks. FakeStats. Censorship.
BO is a Leo. And a Traitor. CONCEALED HAM RADIO. Seems to me someone recently qualified for a license to communicate with Fusion. Any other crumbs?
to prong
fd 100 rt 90 fd 20 bk 40 fd 20 lt 90 fd 20 rt 90 fd 40 bk 80 fd 40 lt 90 fd 20 rt 90 fd 60 bk 120 fd 60 lt 90 fd 100 circle 50 bk 220
to awe
repeat 8 [prong rt 45]
run with prong
Needs some erasing to be as pic. Drinking and doing in my head so me need debug.
Weaponized Autism in Action
Add circle 50 as first line in awe
Viking protection spell
Was just speculation on my part. Original Pic was posted in Instagram and tweeted to me by a follower on twitter. Original poster disappeared after posting. Thanks for weaponized autism.