Anonymous ID: 9aa19a Jan. 6, 2018, 3:09 p.m. No.9240   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obvious based on CM statement that some of the comped claims were from the secure trip code change. The only real sin was the valid concerns being met with bans, the idiocy of claiming Q wasn’t Q - and zero evidence of the 2nd trip from Q being hacked, and the fatal sin of deleting all. With all the shillary I can give someone the benefit of the doubt but CBTS BO screwed up at epic proportions and acted like an ass in the face of adversity. Being the BO takes some humility and grace amongst anons. Banning and deleting to cover mistakes speaks volumes towards his not being the right one for the job. Kek’s blessings to TheStorn and the bakers. May this bake be blessed and bring the crumbs.