Couple connect-the-dots projects I've got cooking…pics related
don't bring that Twatter Qanon bullshit here. Lurk here and chat over there. We're working. don't send anyone anywhere near here right now. just lurk.
and by lurk, that means keep quiet and let the adults work, which is explained in the rules of nearly every board.
I thought so too on Truman until I started digging into him. He opposed everything DS was trying to cram down his throat, so did that make him appear to be a piece of shit? It appears DS tried to ruin him because he opposed.
So much of this goes back to Prescott Bush & George H. Walker (Dub Sr's parents). Read this, also a work in progress, but very relative to today if you think big picture 40,000' view and generations to execute:
Maternal grandfather: George H. Walker, President of W.A. Harriman & Co., was a war profiteer who purchased billions of dollars of weaponry for Britain and France during World War I.
After WWI, Walker ran 17 companies and maintained numerous homes and thousands of acres of land around in the US, Canada and South America.
Paternal grandfather: Samuel Bush, was the president of the Ohio-based Buckeye Steel. Like Walker, Samuel Bush made his fortune during the First World War by producing material for small arms. Of course, it helped that Samuel became head of the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the federal government's War Industries Board in 1918.
Father: Prescott Bush became his father-in-law's heir apparent at the merged firm of Brown Brothers Harriman. Prescott Bush handled the "German work" for Brown Brothers in the 1930's. Prescott Bush later co-founded UBC Bank, which was later seized by the US Government for doing business with the Enemy (Nazis).
1932 - Precott Bush and George Walker hosted host of the Third International Congress of Eugenics. The purpose of the event was to call for the sterilization of fourteen million Americans. Bank of International Settlements formed.
1933: On January 4, 1933, Hitler was invited to the Schroeder Bank by a group of industrialists. The industrialists gave Hitler the money to overcome his financial problems in turn for a pledge to break the trade unions.
Present at this meeting were two Americans John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles. Hitler assumes power.
Later, powerful SENATOR Prescott Bush has Allen Dulles appointed to run the newly formed CIA. Later, Prescott asks Dulles to hire his son, George Bush, later Director of the CIA, George Bush, later President, George Bush.
Small world huh?