Don't be a degenarte. Take that shit to hatechan. High rise projects and the welfare state were designed to push black fathers out of their families and incentizvized through the welfare state for black woman to have babies. Not only did it become incentivized for them to have as many children as possible, Irvin was incentivized for them to have children by different fathers through child support. The high rises enabled them densely pack poor black people into small geographic areas. They also didn't pay taxes so all their social services, especially their schools went to shit. This enables byproducts of this sick social experiment to prime victims of indoctrination.
Don't be a degeneate anon. Cecil Rhodes was a puppet of the crown. Rhodesia didn't work because the rhodesians were lazy and tried to create a subclass instead of educating and franchising the people that were in their country before they got there. South Africa failed because of apparthied and white hatred that was created by the rhodesians.
Cecil Rhodes has nothing todo with America. Fuck him and fuck you. Either contribute or gtfo.