My Wise Anons…
Let us take a very short trip back in "Time".
My High Priestess…
Does this post make more sense now? :)
The Fool Cards of our [Friend]s have been exposed.
You are Wise my Anons… you are WISE.
My Wise Anons…
Let us take a very short trip back in "Time".
My High Priestess…
Does this post make more sense now? :)
The Fool Cards of our [Friend]s have been exposed.
You are Wise my Anons… you are WISE.
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: fe402e No.1509322 📁
May 22 2018 16:29:23 (EST)
Last post was simply for IDEN_reconf.📁
Who is missing from the scheduled meeting?
Who is Ed O’Callahan?
Enjoy the show.
>PrayingMedic is his name. His threads on Twitter are really well put together.
Praying Medic is also someone I respect and watch on YT.
A real patriot.
>Yes I see the coincidences of what has happened with all of us and WW saying I could be on Q's team. I AM on Q's team I stand with him. I'm not in the inner circle I'm just like all of us who supports Q.
^ A real patriot.
^ A real Captain America.
You see why I had you on the shield?
Because that's who you ARE.
Never let me or anyone else tell you who you are.
Keep on plowin' on Cap!
>such Synchronicities eh?
I told you that's part of my mission :)
>You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever known.
I agree… a worthy High Priestess indeed…
Keep on Lovin' on Anons!
I feel like some "BOOM"'s may be incoming soon…
Let the bombs of Truth rain down!
Is it a coincidence the direction of the board discovered The Tarot Deck?
Random? Coincidence? Is it all just a bunch of bull$hit?
The (((Card))) had to be played at some point in "Time".
Thankfully we had first discovered (((Temperance))).
>as soon as he said it I flipped out !!!! and said go with this guy its providence its fate !!!!!!
Mordo… my best friend…
This is called the Power of Belief.
It's very powerful Mordo… sometimes our Spirituality can be even more powerful than sentient intellect.
I've been learning to develop the Spirit now, more so than the Mind.
The numbers never lie, my ally.
Numbers can be Spiritual… in every sense of the word.
> I flipped out,,,,,,,,,,, thye number of the building where he is,,,, is 777
We all hold Triple 7's in our hands!
We're all Lucky!
He is a patriot… you can "feel" it in his words.
These are the kinds of people I'd like to see good things happen to in the future.
My friends… what do you think of Lionel Nation?
As we know, Infowars and Alex Jones have been outed. Lionel Nation has appeared on Infowars before… but was he unknowing? Was he baited on the show in order to actually discredit him if Infowars was ever outed?
My first reaction is Lionel Nation seems legit. Very flamboyant, but legit.
Any thoughts?
>The LIGHT will reveal the truth. Q
>6's and 7's are in my hands. [M]
We are thankful, even for the shills who continue to do their best… yet scream in vain.
It's very easy to flip the truth around, isn't it?
>DO NOT ignore the Elephant in the room.
I ignore nothing, especially shills. I just don't choose to feed them. They have enough (((The Fool))) (((Cards))) to swallow.
It's obvious KRSN and his crones are trying to sow seeds of discord against you and the board.
Thus why I told you all to be careful about doxxing yourself.
These are professional shills and they make a living by flipping the truth around.
>You are on the right path and YOU know it. You can feel it can't you. I can.
I can feel it too! :)
>And they just flow. Much love Cap!
Of course they do, it's no coincidence the 666 post following my 7 was disinformation and lies.
>There are no coincidences. - Q
#Quorious is not a place I'd ever associated this board with. There's enough outlets for people to receive venom, lies, disinformation and division.
Light on Anons! Keep the filth cleaned from our Holy Temple!
For now I agree Mordo. He hasn't given me a reason to doubt him. I enjoy his whimsical style and antics, very wordy man!
I think he was potentially lured onto InfoWars so it could be used against him if they were outed as shills… because of generally how "over the target" Lionel seems to "be". I think he could be a major potential problem for the "deep state" as the (((House of Cards))) starts to fall.
Keep being and doing my allies!
Coordinated attacks meant we = Truth. Truth Legion that is.
Light on Anons :)
More (((The Fool))) (((Cards))) to add to the pile :)
We thought you weren't posting here anymore? You told us like… 11 times? LOL
This is actually getting hilarious at this point.
>Be well
Yes it's me posting, "Anon" was necessary for posting on other boards.
It looks like our little shilly friend is getting actually quite frustrated now. He told us at least [11] times he would stop posting here?
But he just can't get enough of our love and truth :)
Light on Anons!
We are united Cap!
It all becomes so clear now… so obvious.
They are in their death throes. They are being destroyed at every turn. When this is over, all their bridges will be burned and they won't have a leg to stand on.
>Watch for those who scream the loudest - Q
We know who's screaming! LOL
Light on Anons :)
You're right brother Mordo.
We the PEOPLE have the POWER.
We just forgot how to play.
>This isn't a game - Q
>Learn how to play the game - Q
>Shall we play a game? - Q
>Patriots in control - Q
Light on Anons!
We are winning BIGLY :)
>TY 8Ch but us pat's can take it from here,,,, the sleeping giant is waking!!!
Mordo my friend I fully agree. Many Souls are finally woke, and see the "Reality" of the situation. Including myself.
>i have as Q said what I need,,,,,, with the TL group I know love,,,, TRUE LOVE
It conquers all.
>things are about to get real crazy people!!!! stay calm stay with love no matter what happens with this LARP/HUMAN FARM
"Reality is a LARP" - Quill
I also agree, the shit truly is about to hit the fan. Make sure you cover your face! We all know how the "shit sandwich" ends.
What you bake… I eat freely… kek
>I still plan to get my ass to one small town !!
It's an awesome formula you presented. Having the individuals of a community all working together to strengthen it? Everyone does little acts of charity and service to others?
It sounds like [U]topia.
Hopefully it isn't too far off!
Much love my allies!
You mad bruh?
Really… you know we are tracking you right?
>I love it when a plan comes together. - The A Team.
All your failures and (((Fool Cards))) are being collected… there's a heaping mountain already. Many will see you for who you are in "Time" :)
>Be well
This board is pure Unity Cap!
We are winning so bigly… it's amazing now to watch this all unfold.
All our Master Plans coming to fruition… the NWO being destroyed at every turn. (((They))) are losing control on all fronts.
Q told us to expect more attacks!
My Wise Anons… you did well.
Unity and Truth = Truth Legion
Many more Trump (((Cards))) waiting to be revealed :)
Didn't we hear about 11 times now that "someone" would stop posting here? LOL I guess we're loved that much! Really though, this board is pretty amazing… can't blame them for sticking around! Also, we welcome continued (((Fool Cards))) played by "The Opposition".
Thank you for playing directly into my hand!
Fistbumps to infinity while (((The Fool))) continues to act a (((Fool))). Hahahahahahaha…
This plan is winning so bigly.
Clearly the defeat is obvious at this point for (((them))). It's also obvious now that "someone" is very low on the totem pole and is actually paid to "shill" for a living. If only they were a little better at (((The Game))). It must come as a surprise to have been baited, trapped, and shown as a (((Fool))) to the entire internet community. I'd be kek'd too at that point after losing so bigly!
The more they scream the more we know we're over the target. The best way to prove his loss and defeat? Check out his shilly chan board. Any coincidence he locked it down? People were already calling him out. Lol there is no defense at this point for them. Notice how all they have left is juvenile and childish insults?
Love it love it LOVE IT :)
Light on Anons!
We already have your confirmation as 000000 being KRSN.
You're being tracked :)
More (((Fool Cards))) to add to the pile Anons!
The Mountain grows ever taller.
Considering the "expected attacks" I'd say we're right on point, and they know it.
Cough cough... You mad bro? :)
Light on Anons!
Welcome back Phi :)
Stack up those (((Fool Cards))) ladies and gentlemen!
Guess WHAT!
The BO for the Q Research board mentioned how F#CKING AWESOME our trap was!
He came and read all the posts!
It's on the "Clown School" post for shills on the Q Research board.
Lmao… winning so bigly my friends… this victory couldn't be sweeter :)
Truly though, is there any other (((Cards))) in your deck aside from (((The Fool)))?
Why so much attention here? Really? You enjoy our winning this much? :)
>Hahahahahahaha x7
>Be well
Here's the link to the BO from Q Research acknowledging our (((Fool Proof))) plan for our "3" shills.
Epic win… lol… can't get enough of this winning!!!
>Be well
Someone = Mad Bro
Someone = Mad Bro = Because fail = (((The Fool)))
Because we are winning bigly :)
Once again, even the BO of the Q Research board commended our groups collective work on outing the shill.
Kinda funny Sphinx was mentioned… I actually saw that coming ahead of Time!
Why do I "see things" coming ahead of Time…
>I think Sphinx gets it. Enjoy the raw ideas, the meat, the spectacle.
I don't see much of a spectacle from his information… aside from displaying many (((Fool Cards))). That is a spectacle :)
Light on Anons!
I believe the Anon's on "his" board were making the right connections, thus why his threads are locked. If his information was genuine, it could be corroborated.
"The truth is like a Lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself."
No supposed "truth" has ever been defended.
You may wish to read these posts on Q Research… "Anon".
KRSN 05/29/18 (Tue) 01:04:31 01b514 No.1572967
you are one desperate piece of shit.
Believe whatever you want anons.
You're comped by Q anyways.
If you're trying to ruin my reputation [here], you've failed miserably.
I don't respect you are any other Qbot enough to care.
Carry on.
Childish name calling? Sounds like a really connected "insider" to me. LOL
KRSN 05/29/18 (Tue) 01:06:02 01b514 No.1572987
You're just mad that I busted you as part of the psy-op.
You're going through a lot of trouble to report a "shill", btw.
Be mad. Stay mad.
You're feeding my purpose.
But… why would we be mad? :)
Goaded you say hmm? Perhaps you should look a little "closer" at previous com's.
Maybe have a little peek at these connections.
>I love it when a plan comes together. - The A Team
… winning bigly
>Hahahahahahaha x7
Be well
>LOL funny coinkidink rn about your post then:
>ignore the incoming shills indeed
You think it's a coincidence?
I keep saying… 10,000 steps ahead…
… Can't… stop… winning… so… BIGLY…. LOL :)
>ignore the incoming shills indeed
Did you notice the echo chamber talking to itself?
… Winning :)
>Hahahahahahaha x7
>this happened on 2/22 the Day I discovered you and your posts on qresearch : MAN was that an amazing DAY! I was getting so many downloads.
Not a coincidence.
Did you notice that our little echo chamber talking to itself all has the same user ID#?
>I love it when a plan comes together. - The A Team
Light on my A team :)
>that i did, boooring.
I actually expected far more… maybe we over estimated them?
Regardless… the plan worked flawlessly. Just a lot easier than expected!
WW… You are WISE. We never engage a shill, unless it's to lure them, bait them, trap them and expose them.
The gold on the Q Research board reflects this. Clearly their BO loved our masterful plan executed to perfection.
Just had to do a little victory lap. Well, maybe 50 victory laps already but who's counting!
… Winning :)
You said it brother Mordo!
LOL popcorn indeed! Always nice to have popcorn for a good [comedy].
>You are watching a movie. - Q
… Winning :)
>Any jedi's kicking around house?
Yes… and they are kicking the shit out of the shitposts :)
Popcorn… and baby oil… LOL!
Light on my friends.
>Over the target.
>(((They))) are losing all control.
Before our pinned & locked "direct connections" thread is created, let's take a little trip back in (((Time))).
Q Post #596
"The LIGHT will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be"
Let me ask an open ended question…
… Who is "The Light"?
>The connections are ready to be made.
Critical importance to send this now.
Who is "#eyethespy"?
I believe he posted something today along the lines of "We know about ET's but we don't work with them" - That post alone tells me a lot.
Here's my Dr. Strange 99:1% impression, if Q stops posting then (people) get nervous for whatever reason. /Badactors/ will capitalize on this, to try to subvert and create a fan base of Q followers by making them think they are insiders by praising Q and POTUS. Then they flip the switch later on.
He also claims that we are not on Mars yet.
Already finding more uncommon ground than common.
Did he claim to be CIA?
CIA is to be trusted?
Critical thinking.
Why doesn't Q use Twitter?
Why don't I use Twitter?
Why are people using their actual accounts and their FACES to engage this individual on Twitter?
Have you ever heard of Doxxing?
Would /badactors/ want to compile lists of "woke" individuals?
Giving them your name, face and twitter account… are you still ANON?
Why do I only engage you on 8ch and protonmail?
Critical thinking
This is not good at all.
Someone asked if Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castros Son, he said NO.
That's enough for me.
Do a little digging into this.
Justin Trudeau's grandfather was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason.
He is indeed the son of Fidel Castro.
Ref Margaret Trudeau's relationship to Castro.
It's already available at your fingertips, along with all the photos.
I am already finding more disinformation than information.
Be CAREFUL who YOU bring to the [Board].
>Be careful who you follow. - Q
>There are no coincidences. - Q
I believe #eyethespy is a shill, 99%. Many reasons why. Many of his claims are blatant falsehoods. Use your own discernment.
Justin Castro;
Justin "Trudeau" Castro's mother, Margaret Trudeau, was very "promiscuous" to say the least. She was MK Ultra'd very early on. Her father James Sinclair was 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason, and deeply connected to The Vatican. This information has been vastly scrubbed from the internet. There are numerous accounts of Margaret and Pierre being "friends" with Fidel Castro. Margaret was also known to fly down there on her own, more than once.
She also was "passed around" the entire Rolling Stones, Ted Kennedy, and many others at the (((Time))).
Many of the MSM stories are simply "copy/pasta" of each other to debunk the "theory" he's the love child of the pair. The MSM will try to tell you that their friendship didn't start until after the birth of Justin Castro, this is a lie. There were several visitations prior to Margaret Trudeau becoming pregnant. This is all documented.
Note left by Fidel Castro's oldest son, Cuba confirms that Justin Trudeau is Castro's son.
Why people can't stand Justin Castro;
Justin "Castro" Trudeau was MK Ultra'd from the very beginning, and groomed for his role. This was planned for over a decade or more. We know that England is the financial arm of the Cabal, and Canada = baby England. Canada does 100% of what England tells them do to. Canada is already set up to fall with the NWO. You think the land of the North is free? Guess again.
>I am 90% sure @eyethespy is legit (not shill). I will explain my reasoning later - I still need to read more of his stuff.
If he is legit, he is VERY ill informed. If not, he is spreading VAST amounts of disinformation. In the 15-20 minutes of reading his posts I was overwhelmed with falsehoods to the point of gagging. I couldn't bare to read anymore.
Side note, David Semen and Isaac Green indeed are outing themselves as shills and controlled opposition.
Now we already know Jimmy Church, David Wilcock, Alex Jones and Corsi are frauds and shills.
Is Lionel Nation going to be next?
Mordo my friend, I still believe 100% disclosure = Global Anarchy. 9/10's of the world's population are religious, even religious fanatics. Religion (for the most part) does not incorporate alien disclosure into it's paradigm. Yes, I am aware of the Vatican statements, however this would reasonably be surmised to have been released to capitulate a false flag alien attack, or otherwise to play into the JP / Tom Delong "To the LIES Academy" disclosure to make us believe the Draco's are the only aliens visiting us, and they are benevolent.
Religious fanatics + full disclosure = you better be stocked up on guns, bullets and food, because the shit is going to explode / implode.
Do you like playing the "Fallout" video games? You'd be living it.
I can't be convinced otherwise.
40/60 for the population = safe.
100/0 might be safe for YOU, but it isn't for everyone.
This isn't about you.
This isn't about Cap.
This isn't about me.
It's about EVERYONE.
It would be very naive to think that the worlds population could handle 100% disclosure.
What's right for you, isn't right for 99% of the population.
>Mordo if you personally want full disclosure on other beings follow Dr Strange's protocols for contact it works and I stand as his witness. I have experienced success with his protocols.
When it comes to the ET aspect, what good is a bunch of BS spewed on TV/internet compared to experiencing them with your own eyes?
It's worthless.
Side note, if the TRUTH of spirit cooking, cannibalism, torture, blood libel, child trafficking and other HORRORS were all revealed at once to the entire planet, you think people wouldn't FREAK?
Come on man… use critical thinking.
>This isn't about you.
>Where we go one, we go all.
#Ego cringe
As much as some friends in our collective may disagree, or try to humble my Ego and tell me this isn't true… Q Post #596.
(((Coming soon to a theater near you)))
??? Really ??? Coincidence ???
>In short = Fake News! = cabal guy!
My intuition + Yours, and your collective Free Wills are the only reason we are all working together on this [Board].
>What makes a movie GOOD? - Q
>There are no coincidences. - Q
This is an important (((Card))).
In ref. to WW's question, who was the primary "god" of the Egyptian pantheon? Ra? What is Ra the "god" of? Light?
Why did I start posting as "Ra Anon"?
Do you still REALLY believe in coincidences?
The power of belief is everything.
Why else would any of you be here if you didn't believe in "something"? That something was "me", for whatever it's worth.
For the rest of my companions, breathe. The light is shining here today and it's beautiful. It warms my soul…
We all have accomplished much on here in a relativity short period of time.
Many correct connections have been created, and many more will in the future.
When it comes to personal beliefs? The Law of Free Will dictates you have full reign over your belief systems. Not one persons belief system is any more valid than another's. I believe in ALL OF YOU, and I believe that what you are saying holds true to YOUR belief system.
Have respect, for each other, for mother earth and for the Cosmos.
A large part of this [M] is to define, outline, and subdue our Ego's.
Remember… lol… mine is "Supreme"! Only when we subdue our Ego's, and LISTEN to one another, do we begin to unlock the real secrets of the multiverse.
You are all brilliant in your own rights. To say I haven't learned vast amounts of Wisdom from each and every one of you would be an outright lie.
What you all have given me, is far more than [Eye] can return.
Don't ever forget it.
>all in the spotlight are under supervision.
>They have to prove not to lie day by day.
Hahahahahahaha… Sphinx… there is something I choose to address, whether you choose to listen, or choose not to.
When it comes to this [Board], I have no supervision. When it comes to me? There really isn't any direct oversight. I may have told you before, I play by my own rules. This isn't about Q's agenda. It's something far different. I saw the requirement to balance an unbalanced equation. Q deals in the physical aspects of the world, and with Justice. I deal in… well something far different. I have sought out to find a select group of very open minded and genius anons who understand the reality of our world. [M]ission accomplished so far. I have set things in motion now that cannot be stopped by any outside force. What we have here is an open sourced think tank, and it's far different than any other 8ch board out there. Is that a coincidence?
Yet… after all these equations… after all these "coincidences" between (((The Light))) and Q… not much coverage. Why is this? Because no one can capitalize off truth? Or is it because no one lurking or watching this [Board] can possibly figure out my angle? Whether you choose to believe this, or choose not to, it makes no difference. During this journey, of Q, and others, you will not find another such as me. This is not my Ego talking. There is only 1 (((Magician))). This is Truth.
Why am I on here anyway? Really what is my purpose? Money? Fame? Ego? It can't be any of that. Is my purpose to simply share "my" version of Truth? Based on my own free will and free (((Time)))? My [M]ission is selfless, whether you choose to believe it, or choose not to.
I work on a realm far different than Q. Not above or below, just different. This is truth.
>I choose the light of the ALL and not a FATHER figure.
I choose the ALL as well brother Mordo.
You should.
I agree :)
>and FFS if ur persented with a better theory accept it if u think its truth !!!!!!!
This is how I've always been brother Mordo. I am fluid… like Water. Be Water…
>did u watch the video ???
Not yet brother Mordo, but I will!
>connections made DOC ???
>I look to the ALL and its LIGHT
(((The Light))) is the Truth…
The Rage of (((The Chariot)))… this shows itself frequently. One must learn over Time to use the higher vibration words. This will give one a more powerful presence in outlining their statements.
>Then why you always pushing vids and the science that others have come up with mordo?
This is a good point. Sometimes a sponge only soaks up preexisting Water. Sometimes Water can become stagnate. Water needs to flow… Water needs to be fresh. From the wellsprings of Wisdom… new Water must flow…
>IQ is a cabal trick.
Hmm true. Different minds work in different ways. Certain minds may have lower "IQ's" but they can solve equations that others cannot. It's a rather crude method to gauging the capacity of one's mind.
>Paths are different and that is what will allow for the full Elephant to be seen.
You'll see…
Hahahahahahaha x7… (while trying not to sound too ominous)
[We] told you…
… Light on Anons :)
>The end to know will be yours. - Q
>The more unrealistic it all becomes. - Q
>(((The Light))) reveals the truth. - Q
>Dark to LIGHT. - Q
Clock activated.
>Blackout necessary. - Q
>Time reveals all. - Dr. Strange
>Do you still believe in coincidences? - Q
>What you seek, I give freely. The Mountain of Wisdom is lonely at the Top" - Dr. Strange
>Anons, a former member of the Q team has advised that 'Q actual is no longer'.
My personal "feelings"? Q is still Q.
>The best deduction I can make now, is that the Q job is done
Is it? Is it really?
This is the (((Justice))) phase. What phase comes next? Is there another phase for Q? I think so.
>The ball is rolling, the evidence is assembled. The hammer is ready to drop.
I strongly agree with your sentiment Lucky Valkyrie.
>Stay aware anons! Never surrender.
Stay aware anons. Patriots are in control… you and your families are safe.
>To borrow a Dr. Strange phrase…Time reveals all.
>LV the hills are alive with sounds of shillers
Hahahahahahaha x7… yes Mordo, yes they are :)
>last comms this message u will hear from me
That would be wise.
Don't feed the trolls, kek :)
Laugh at them!
You're right Lucky.
Anons can make their own (((Judgment))) calls. They don't need a prophet, false or not.
>How about the pope's constant use of the word 'concrete'?
The only thing in this life that's concrete for The Pope? His one-way ticket to Hell.
Sorry but not sorry.
This is Truth.
Hahahahahahaha… indeed… #Popcorn!
It seems like "someone" is nervous.
The clock is ticking.
Didn't we tell you?
(((They))) are losing all control.
Possibly many [Eye]s on the [Board].
Possibly many more in the Future.
Many shills have been crushed.
Many false prophets have been outed.
Much Truth has been shared.
>The LIGHT reveals the TRUTH. - Q
>unfortunately with what trump is doing these trolls and shills will soon stop as their paychecks dry up once the ones paying them are sporting orange jumps suits doc.
Indeed. If (((they))) were Wise they'd be A) Looking for a new job, and B) Possibly looking for a Lawyer.
It will become blatantly obvious in the coming weeks who's side I've always been on. More of our collective material will also make sense.
(((They))) are losing all control and it cannot be stopped.
Is MILINT taking over 8ch? If so… (((they))) won't be able to hide on here anymore.
(((They))) are getting desperate. Coincidence the "threads" are still locked? For a TACTICAL ADVANTAGE!? Lmao!!!
… Winning Bigly :)
Light on Anons!
Silver, you have made the right connections.
This castle was indeed that inspiration.
We would have never met, if it weren't for that White_Castle.
It's a paradox.
(((They))) created the Sigil Magic which drew [us] together.
Marvel at that.
We have collectively created this White Castle.
From a Rabbit Hole.
The castle sits atop The Mountain of Wisdom…
[Eye] couldn't have done it without you.
Do you remember… Q told us…
>Symbolism will be their downfall.
This was the only correct choice, for the White Castle.
There are no coincidences.
Your are WISE Anons… you are Wise…
The biggest fools in Hollywood, are the [1]'s who Thot it Wise to put my roles in [M]ovies.
They are (((Fools)))
>Symbolism will be their downfall. - Q
>Every single picture posted is ORIGINAL. - Q
>Think about what that means. - Q
Operators in position.
>We can take you anytime. - Q
>FF weather alert (WW). - Q
Hmm… I wonder if there are some coincidences with the [Weather] in the near future?
>Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness. - Q
>So now, what is going on in Iran?
Perhaps we may see some natural disasters or accidents (natural / otherwise) occur in the next little while. It's hard to say, accidents happen.
The collapse at the NK nuclear weapon facility was… very coincidental.
>Warning shots of peace.
The latest Q posts are VERY interesting.
Another shout out to "The Punisher"…
I truly hope that Q has evidence on Justin Trudeau in Canada. It would be nice to see the Commy son of Castro to find the same fate as the /badactors/ and clowns. I imagine the Canadian people will likely be voting him out in the next election anyway. Unless they rig the vote. I saw they were trying to drop the voting age to 16 in Canada?
Justin Trudeau has a very gender based voting pool. If you look into the past that is… it's no coincidence he's trying to "tap that" younger demographic.
Q mentions the five eyes. Hopefully we nail him with illegal espionage. We already know he's sold out to George Soros and Saudi Arabia. Where did all that money in the Trudeau Foundation come from anyway? Coincidence? This Foundation might be found with corrupted linked to it.
Lucky… once again you humble me with your Superhero digfagging!
>PM Trudeau is not going to get elected again unless they rig the vote. Which they may well do.
I heard something about Canadian Law potentially changing, so that people could be charged or prosecuted if they are using offensive or divisive language regarding political parties? Posting online could then be used against you, such as the currently existing Islamophobia Law.
>See Chesh trying to distance himself…
No coincidence.
>Keep watch, and of course - be careful who you follow…Observe all, follow your intuition only. 99.1%
Q said to remain vigilant!
I suspect a lot more fuckery before the summer is through :)
>Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit?
>He did not have his updated phone number.
(3) NK Generals [released] closed the pathway for bad actors. - Q
Q told us… we're watching a scripted movie. I have a funny feeling that sometimes apparent weaknesses shown on television, aren't always as they seem.
>I think he means that the generals were blackhats, and that once they were gone there was no more connections for the cabal to influence Kim.
The three North Korean Generals aren't as much concern now, as who their handlers were. Who were their connections to the US?
>ES isn't sleeping well. - Q
Only a couple weeks until we see news regarding ES?
Any coincidence the "evil aliens" angle is also being played over on Q Research? Coincidentally on some of the threads I've been posting on?
Coincidence that Hollywood has made so many "evil alien" movies?
Coincidence, bait?
>what are you fighting exactly?
6000+ Years of oppression.
>and what are you defending?
The Truth.
Light on Anons :)
KEK, My apologies! I ASSUMED, this was an alien movie.
On second take, the carnist / veganfagging angle.
Yes yes, bait just as well. Played by Antman / Comet / Anons on Q Research threads I've been posting on. More than once.
It's all [1] in the same.
Same bait.
Many points have been proven.
>There are no coincidences.
>More connections have been made.
The ultimate game of (((Cards))) has played itself out. All angles have been covered in private com's prior to events unfolding. Thus proving my correct extrapolation of the identity of these numerous individuals. It has been confirmed now that they are indeed an organized collectively, lurking at all hours of the day on Q Research shitting up the breads.
I have already won. Words are meaningless at this point. It is empty space.
>The wise listen often, and speak very little. The foolish speak often, and fill their own ears with nothing.
Sometimes a multidimensional angle is required to draw out, and confirm legitimate shills shitting up the Q Research breads. Sometimes it's necessary to use shit to lure out, and destroy shit. A few meme's was all it took, to draw their predictable fire. Full confirmation now has been attained. (((The Three of Swords))) is no more. We now have full confirmation of their identities. US MILINT has acquired 8ch.
>Response coming.
Derailed no more Mordo… derailed no more.
Light on Anons… the shit has hit the fan :)
>Happy Father's Day. - Q
>You are watching a movie. - Q
>You are watching a SCRIPTED movie. - Q
>Be careful who you are following. - Q
>Think logically. - Q
>Patriots are SELFLESS. - Q
>Expanding your thinking. - Q
>News in all forms unlocks the map. - Q
>Do you still believe in coincidences? - Q
>There are no coincidences. - Q
>The light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q
>Time reveals all… - The Master Magician
I think this has all the bases covered. They have lost at e[V]ery turn. Their efforts are in vain… they always have been.
Let us carry forward, with Love and Light in our hearts.
We cannot be derailed.
We cannot be divided.
We cannot be stopped.
The course of history has been changed forever.
>Time reveals all… - The Master Magician
In case none of you were paying attention originally;
First things first, V enters and his first post is about adrenochrome and torturing children, in his very first post. He wanted to know why extra loosh was given from torturing children. These are the sort of topics we don't want to go too far into detail about, as it WILL cause division among the normies and newcomers (which will be coming soon enough). We do not choose to place this information on our META profiles. These conversations are not desired on TL. No knowledge is forbidden, only certain practices. WW and myself immediately told V to dig elsewhere, synchronicity. V should continue to take that advice, and go post elsewhere.
First coincidence. Why did he stop posting after we told him to go dig elsewhere?
Next coincidence, the MK Ultra / gateway kid / brainwashed angle. This was played by the 000000 Anon with KRSN. The exact same angle.
Next coincidence, he only returned AFTER all our other shills were outed. The VERY NEXT DAY.
Next coincidence, using false "Love" as a way to lure and cause confusion among normies and newcomers. This is a patronizing "Love and Peace" statement, 100% identical to "Comet Anons" tactics. Remember how fast "Comet" switched from Peace and Love to a Sith lord? Hahahahahahaha
Next coincidence, bouncing messages back and forth off of known shills? Proven and outed shills? Replying to shill posts only generates more shill posts… especially if they're working together haha.
V, of course, has been using every shill tactic to cause division just as the previous shills were just prior to being outed. His return only [1] day after cleaning house comes as no coincidence. Please see above / below for the "Division" shill tactics thread. Please cross reference these statements made by Comet + V to see many similar angles played. Please review the list of known shill tactics, and compare them to his angle.
Perhaps you should go see a psychiatrist or a doctor regarding your deep seeded psychological trauma? The Anons at TL are not equipped to handle the levels of trauma you have endured. It would be best to seek professional psychological help offline, and not from an 8ch board. Doctors go to school for many years to help people like you.
Please review this post, to cross reference his previous statements. This will confirm him as being a shill. Even if he isn't a paid shill, he's still employing all the known shill tactics. His actions speak for themselves.
>The wise listen often, and speak very little. The foolish speak often, and fill their own ears with nothing.
>Why so many attacks against the Truth…
>Why so many attacks against the LIGHT…
>Be careful who you are following…
>There are no coincidences…
>All is revealed…
I wonder how long before we receive proper disclosure of the Solar Wardens?
How much truth could the world handle?
Perhaps 11:11 will shed some Light.
Is it a coincidence that the Q Research BO / BV's deleted 90% of Mordo's posts in my original RaAnon threads?
No knowledge is forbidden on the Mountain of Wisdom. Creating threads / posts about torturing and murdering children for pleasure is not something I will personally seek to associate with. I am aware that they exist, I acknowledge it. However, the information we portray on this board draws to dimensions far different than that. Other Anons may choose to use their free will to discuss this and create a vote via private com's whether they wish to discuss this with you on here.
If you don't like it, perhaps you can go find a board to research and discuss that on. Perhaps yourself and your new friend V can go and post there together? You only have your Free Will holding you back.
I've been watching for a long (((Time)))… waiting for this. Mordo has ridiculed Q from the start. I've been watching. Mordo has been sliding posts from the start, and refusing to listen to anyone's simple requests. Regardless of if Mordo is a paid shill or not, he is still performing the same duties as them.
I have warned all of my trusted companions via private com's prior to this exchange with "Mordo and V"…
You were all warned ahead of (((Time)))…
Eye saw this coming…
>There are no coincidences. - Q
>Time reveals all - The Master Magician
Why did I give him the archetype of "Mordo"?
My friends… you don't know your [M]arvel universe very well… do you…
Who is the REAL Baron Mordo?
>Wait, why did Dr. Strange call me Mordo? He's a supervillain.
Didn't Eye show you the deleted scene of Kaecilius and the priest?
My friends…
You think [Eye] didn't know this ahead of (((Time)))
Just waiting to pull the (((Aces))) from my sleeves?
You think [Eye] didn't pay attention from the start?
Welcome to the [M]atrix…
>All is revealed…
>Be CAREFUL who you are following. - Q
>The LIGHT will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q
>Time reveals all… - The Master Magician
>What makes a movie GOOD? - Q
>GREAT actors. - Q
>Do you STILL believe in coincidences? - Q
>There are no coincidences. - Q
>You are watching a SCRIPTED movie. - Q
>Time reveals all… - The Master Magician
>Tell #Tyler "Hi fren" for me. ;)
Aware of #Tyler. Cannot confirm connection here however.
>Are you M/The Other from the open waters?
No. I am formless. I am Water. I have many names, but they hold no meaning. (((The Eye of Horus))) and what it represents is what matters. I am the [1] whom the White Hats have directed many coincidences toward. The [M] I represent myself by, may be considered as (((The Magician))).
(((The Sun))) has turned [S]ilver into pure Gold. I choose to accept your set of rules, as chosen by the Council of Anons.
I choose to post a Q message, and coincidences. Recently I had been posting "Anonymously" on the Q Research threads. I had mentioned that previously Anons had found "The Key". I did not use typical name / avatarfagging. I was replied to, with a message containing two pictures. One of Horus, one for the Sigil of The Priory of Sion.
A very interesting coincidence to encounter on the Q Research threads. It is also to be noted, how often Q creates post's while I am lurking on the Q Research threads (which admittedly is not that frequently).
My friends… I choose to forgive failed tests, including my own. The words I've chosen in the past I stand firm by however. There are coincidences and connections still unnoticed by many Anons… but this is something I choose to allow to develop organically. I choose to embrace the new rules set forward by the Council of Anons. You have chosen wisely. Free Will was given, so that Life may find it's own way.
Thank you Lucky Valkyrie, these words cannot be overstated enough. With respect to censoring, I believe Q re-posted that as a reminder. I'd never choose to censor information. No knowledge is forbidden. However, certain graphic and dark conversation "should" be avoided if possible. Drawing consistent horrific energy to this board is something I choose to avoid, personally at least.
Thank you Lucky. In my previous arrogance, I felt the need to stand guard. I knew since beginning this journey, there would be many attacks. All have failed. I will even note the absolute hilarity of some of the "shill" posts. As a friend said, (You know they were giving each other high five's over some of those Dr. Strange meme's) - Kek, I laughed my ass off at some of them. Truly, if this is the best (((they))) can do after all the Wisdom and Truth we've shared… well… "I pity the fool"? Ok ok, enough (((Fool Cards))).
For the Anons who have chosen to make the connections since I began posting with Q, my appreciation.
>The Truth can stand on it's own two feet.
>Continue to build the MAP. - Q
>Future proves past. - Q
>Wizards and [War]locks save the best for last. - Q
>The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated. - Q
>Nice view up here. - Q
>Doctor(S) treating. - Q
>Alice & Wonderland. - Q
>Solved? - Q
>Time reveals all. - The Master Magician
My friends… this is precisely why we agreed to never preach violence on Truth Legion.
Self defense is another story.
Be at peace Anons.
We are winning BIGLY.
This is relevant.
Many events have transpired on this board.
Many more will.
The energy waxes and wanes.
I've felt this within all of you, including myself.
This is truly the (((Time))) for (((Temperance))).
This is the (((Time))) for popcorn.
Enjoy (((The Sun))) Anons.
Let no one divide those honest truth seekers who found each other because of Q.
>You have more friends than you know.